Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Legal Beagle: Referendum Fact Check #6:…, in reply to Dave Guerin,

    And anyway, do we really hold The Panel to any serious standard of discussion or debate?

    Yes I do, Dave. I really really do. Hell, it's all very nice to sign up to 'Save RadioNZ' Facebook groups, but if public broadcasters can't, or won't, elevate public discourse over Paul Henry on Radio (Brain)Dead asking pols who they'd rate as post-apocalypse pootie-tang, what's the frigging point of it?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Indecision '11: Outrageous!,

    Oh, and sorry for derailing my own thread, but I’m not sad to see the back of Jim Anderton after he decided to have a concern-troll tantrum because he's above the law:

    "They have a few things like rape and pillage going on around the country, and this is simply ridiculous to tie up senior members of the police force with this kind of garbage."

    Nice to know the Police are incapable of multi-tasking, Mr. Anderton. “This garbage”, BTW, is the Electoral Commission doing their job and referring Anderton to the Police for an alleged breech of the Electoral Act.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Indecision '11: Outrageous!,

    coupe of weeks ago it openly advised Epsom voters to cast their lot in with Banks (or miss out on an extra bunch of MPs).

    I presume you're talking this editorial in the Herald on Sunday - and if so, I don't think you're characterised it fairly. Back in the other stall in the Herald stable, I doubt Banks or anyone else in ACT read this with any enthusiasm.

    A horse, so the saying goes, can be led to water. But there is no way it can be made to drink it, especially if it believes that water to be tainted. Such seems to be the case with voters in the Epsom electorate, who appear ready to deliver their own scathing commentary on the limits of political manipulation.

    In the end, if you want to argue that your average Herald/Herald on Sunday editorial bears all the marks of being written by a troop of primates finger-painting with their own poop, you're preaching to the choir. But editorials editorialize - that's what they do, whether you agree with them or not.

    NZH’s monopoly makes a mockery of Craig’s claim of a free press.

    No it doesn't, it supports my long-held and oft-expressed contention that the Herald's effective monopoly in New Zealand's largest newspaper market does not serve anyone well, least of all The Herald itself. While far from flawless (understatement of the year), I do think a diverse and intensely competitive broadsheet newspaper market in London may have something to do with The Guarniad and The Torygraph being better than Granny.

    Until I hear Robyn Malcolm has been thrown into a gulag for doubleplusungoodthink, and all deviant prolefeed covering her thoughtcrime have been made unperson, I will stand by my contention that we do have a free press in this country. It may be bloody awful, but that's a whole other kettle of fly-blown fish.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: The Very Odd Future According to…, in reply to Sacha,

    @Sacha: I think I’ve been careful not to accuse Coney (or John Brockies) of breaking the law. But the direct quotes from Coney above – the veracity of which have not been questioned – raise serious question marks over her judgement at least.

    The open invite to Coney and Brockies to respond to my post, either here or in a guest post, stands.

    The OI requests will be lodged first thing tomorrow, and I’ll also be invited the Mayor and the rest of Council to comment.

    Beyond that, we shall see what we will see.

    ETA: I'm also sure that if anything even potentially defamatory of Cr. Coney popped up, either Russell or I would knock it on the head. Not that PASers aren't a perfectly sensible and temperate bunch. :)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Indecision '11: Outrageous!, in reply to 3410,

    You’re better than that.

    I concede the smack-down, but it was slightly better than “I’d rather pop my hetero cherry with Judith Collins than shag that smirking arse-faced infant.” (Hitting SAVE DRAFT and having a cup of coffee is my friend.) Oh, well there’s always David Parker – dull but reliable – to be the functional adult on Labour’s front bench.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: Indecision '11: Outrageous!, in reply to Deborah,

    Please, please tell me that this was deliberate, and not just a typo,

    I could, but I’d be lying. Oh, wait… this is policy. I am the love child of Oscar Wilde and Dorothy Parker! Bow before my punny bone! Yadda yadda…

    I loved the fact that a lot of reaction was focused on the way she looked.

    I really didn’t, but any post about the kind of causal media misogyny female politicans of all stripes have to eat would be a Dada sound poem – BLAARGH GAG BLURGH AAAAARGH GRRRR BANG-BANG and so on.

    ‘Battle of the Babes’ is the best angle the Herald can come up with for a report on the Auckland Central race? Got my issues with both Adern and Kaye, but damn… And as for Silent T’s widely-reported crack about Judith Collins last Friday? Ugh – when you’re on air with Paul Henry and 1) he’s not the biggest turd blossom in the studio and 2) you’ve given Judith Collins the opportunity to occupy the moral high ground and show considerable class? Damn, you’ve had a bad day.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: The Very Odd Future According to…, in reply to 3410,

    Speaking of inappropriate councillor behaviour...

    MUSE cares about the environment, and has just released its #EvilRobyn Eradication Policy. The penalty for non-compliance will be Loretta West burning your house down.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: The Very Odd Future According to…,

    Any more jazz hands from a velour-clad Sir Cliff and I will bring down the ban-hammer. That's just nasty.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: The Very Odd Future According to…, in reply to Danielle,

    I think we had this go-round a while back, and I really hope Cr. Coney doesn't start paying any attention to Opera NZ's steady diet of popular fare where the bitches bring the cray-cray, find a spot on the Madonna-Whore spectrum and (mostly) drop dead at the end. Really, do we want that trash stinking up the Aotea Center?

    For the record, I love opera and I've now up-graded to from DVD to wearing a groove in a BluRay of Gone With The Wind. I am aware of my own cultural inconsistencies.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Muse: The Very Odd Future According to…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Thanks, Russell.

    Sick of It: First, welcome to PAS and hope you’ll hang around. You’re really preaching to the choir on the point R. picked out, but as I said the simple reality is that Auckland City, one way or another, has its fingers in a hell of a lot of venues and performance space in this town. So, yeah, as a citizen and ratepayer, I think Coney crossed all kinds of lines. And the BDO caved.

    FWIW, I also agree with you about Rammstein – if you want to talk about shock and awful tactics that outstay their welcome very quickly the video for “Mein Teil” is even more gag worthy than ‘Pussy’. (No, I'm not going to link to either and SERIOUS TRIGGER WARNING to anyone tempted to find them on You Tube.) Don’t remember a peep when they played the BDO either, but I guess tasteless militaristic-Satanic BDSM grindhouse camp is what those crazy Germans do.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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