Posts by Matthew Poole

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  • Hard News: iPad Impressions,

    Which leaves open the version that I linked to on Fortune, which says that Google is making a deal that would privilege classes of data, not sources i.e. voice over video.

    Which makes it classic Quality of Service, rather than a way of making people pay for faster (or not-slower) access to particular sites.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Mum and other good things,

    What amazes me is that hotel internet in NZ is generally roughly on a par for price to the public WiFi service I encountered on the Solomon Islands in January. And that's a country that has a really limited pipe to the rest of the world.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: Watching the Watchmen,

    30kph would be my first guess.

    Too high by half.

    But don't feel too bad, because I once acted as scorer/marker for a fire brigade driving challenge and almost none of the competitors, nearly all of whom were qualified to drive fire appliances as urgent traffic, would've passed even the theory test for a car licence, never mind a class 2. At least one of them said 50km/h in answer to that question.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: Watching the Watchmen,

    I thought there was a legal obligation for the first on the scene to stop at road accidents, but can't find link to substantiate it.

    Not in NZ, though if you're involved in a crash you're obliged to stop and ascertain injury of other involved parties.

    Where it gets tricky is if you do stop and assist, and then leave without passing care to another person. That's technically failing to provide the necessaries of life, especially if by leaving you demonstrably exacerbated the condition of the victim. If you left because your own life was endangered, or you were unable to maintain the care (such as becoming too exhausted to continue CPR), or you were going to seek assistance, that's fine. But if you left because staying was just fucking with your schedule, that's legally not cool.
    Passing care doesn't just mean a paramedic can grab the nearest child who's walking to school and say "You can push on this, right?" - where "this" is a pad over an arterial bleed - so that said paramedic can go and do their shopping, either. Not that one ever would, but it works for this example. Care must be passed to someone whose competence is at least equal to the passer's competence: untrained first-aider -> trained first-aider -> ambulance officer/first responder -> paramedic -> doctor.

    Relatedly, how many here can, without referring to any reference material (including Google or other websites), say what the speed limit is after passing an "accident" sign until you have passed the scene of the accident?

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ideology for Evidence,

    what are we paying extra for I wonder?

    Joyce's anti-public transport attitude, that's what. It's all about farebox recovery ratios, and the Minister for Trucking's insistence that all forms of non-road and public transport pay their way in as-close-as-possible-to full so that he can provide more invisible subsidies to his mates in the RCF without having to increase roading taxes.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ideology for Evidence,

    But didn't the travel times actually suffer for other cars in that T2 trial on Tamaki Drive?

    IIRC, yes. Impact on buses was minimal, almost margin-of-error stuff, but the impact on non-T2 using cars was significant. Stereotypical selfishness by the Range Rover-owning St Heliers set.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ideology for Evidence,

    Using the bus-only lanes in Auckland is more than just the vehicle classification. It must also be used by an operator of a public transport service. That's why tour buses don't get to use the bus lanes.

    Unfortunately, ticketing infringers is no substitute for actually informing people why bus lanes need to be free of cars to work.

    That needs to start at the very top, with judicious clue-by-four application to the various local body pollie tubbies who want to make the Dominion Road bus lanes into T2 lanes. Take probably the least-used bus lanes in the city (Tamaki Drive), make them T2, ignore that even these lightly-used lanes suffered negative effects for bus trip times when shared with cars (but with great benefit for car trip times), and extrapolate out to the conclusion that putting buses and cars together in the busiest bus lanes in the city won't be a problem. Fucking genius.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ideology for Evidence,

    A caller to my show this week said if motorists didn't know when the 50m mark kicks in on the bus lanes, why not make the bus lanes 50m shorter?

    Only cars turning left and buses could use it.

    First they came for the bus lanes, and I didn't speak out because I was not a bus lane...

    <deity> save use from the logic-challenged, both hosts and callers of talkback radio.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Box,

    It's pretty understandable, considering the amount of information they probably have to go through. It's just a *really long* lead-up time to a job.

    Yeah, it is, but it's only the really spooky agencies that won't let you do anything until you're cleared fully. Hell, NZSIS will still start training you without clearance having been granted, on the expectation that your final clearance status will be confirmed before you're ready to become operational. See comment above about temporary clearance, too. Most graduate positions are hired 9-12 months before commencement, which leaves plenty of time for security vetting.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

  • Hard News: iPad Impressions,

    [the iPad is] a new category of thing

    No it's not. Apple don't do innovation on the product-category scale. Never have. They've never created a new class of product. Personal computers, cellphones, MP3 players, now tablets, they take things that others have done before and make them pretty and popular. Well, excepting the PC. They can't take credit for that one.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 4097 posts Report

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