Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    I don't get that at all. In fact, I was struck by his authentic good nature in Making Tracks.

    Exactly...Nick is what he is and the enthusiasm is absolutely genuine..that's what comes through for me. He loves what he does and is encyclopaedic in his knowledge.

    To be honest, far from alienating folks, having know and worked with Nick for a decade, and counting him as a close friend, I've never heard a bad word about him before.

    And his work with Redbull is exemplary

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    (ii) that the Soviets liberated everything more or less east of the Elbe.

    I'd agree, Rich, that much of the US populace is woefully ignorant as to who did exactly what in the Second WW, it's also arguable that much of what the Soviet sacrifice achieved could be termed 'liberation' least for a decade or four more.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    There are some intelligent Americans around, but they mostly live in Wellington.

    when one considers that the USA just put, without the help of anyone in Wellington, although I guess the odd Indian and European scientist played a role, a hunk of functioning metal on the surface of Mars, I'd say there are one or two more.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Homework for you Brendon, if you don't know, if you can't hear it if it doesn't grate with you, if your radar ain't tuned to that frequency, then why are you doing in that job?

    I always liked that Beatles' tune "Please Please Me". It was Lennon trying to sound like Roy Orbison, a guy from the southern USA. Of course it doesn't sound a lot like Roy but it does sound a lot like a guy trying to sound like Roy. It was one of a series of tunes that band did trying to sound like American singers. Their second album was full of such things and changed the musical world.

    Likewise much of the earlier work of Mick Jagger et al.

    Anyone who thinks Scribe actually sounds like an American rapper rather than a guy from NZ trying to sound like an American rapper must be hearing more than me. I quite like the mutation that implies.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: So You Wanna Be A…,

    Gordon Bennett!...27 years later Andrew, that's not a question I expected. But in terms of 81 production's I think the Blams was about as good as it got in NZ. See Me Go, well I think we were all sick to death of it by the time it came out. It was recorded about five times and the best was the demo (on the Hauraki Homegrown album in 1980).

    I agree the single was thin as hell but it was seat of the pants stuff then...we had no money, no studio experience to speak of, and we were just trying to get the records out.

    Whether a slick production would've given either act global success is something, for a variety of reasons, that I doubt. It's not that simple, but a couple of things worth noting..the influential Trouser Press in LA named the Meemees album as one of 1982's top 10, and the initial recordings for the Blams album were produced by Roy Thomas Baker. They were horrendous and scrapped. I'm fairly happy with what did get released.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    I think one think that Rob et al are forgetting is that the NZ On Air doesn't just sit around doing what it wants.

    Which I think was kinda the point I was trying to make pages back...please don't attack the messenger.

    That said, I do think that the board would direct under expert advisement and Brendan is the closest thing they have to such. He would certainly have a voice that mattered more than most with few on the board having the sort of insight and understanding he is privy to.

    used to tour with a band.

    more than tour, he was an original member of The Mockers when they were a classy little garage band from Wellington.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Besides I'm still not sold on the correlation between video play and radio play.

    And you are right now. There used to a much closer video play was like the radio play with pretty dancing girls....a play on the Sunday morning TV video show was gold for record and could be a huge sales boost. But YouTube has changed much of that. The primary outlet for a video is a very small screen on a monitor that is 100% on demand..hence MTV making the move away from being a video channel. I see kids every day watching videos on their phones, and the video has a life all of it's own that can often outlast the hit record. I know I spend hours some nights on the laptop just hunting down classic videos to watch. I'd never buy the record / CD though.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    It would be an inappropriate use of taxpayer money for a government department or other entity to lobby government to change policy. Departments implement policy, and advise, lobbying is totally outside their brief.

    Agreed Kyle, but there are a couple of partially Govt funded bodies that are able to lobby, and perhaps should be for a system that no longer seems to be quite working as well as it should or perhaps could.

    Perhaps I'm not seeing it, as I'm writing from a distance and you can only get so much from email contact but the debate doesn't seem to be going on as it should, and it does feel a little too comfortable now.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    As with national forests there can and should be conditions of use.
    ripping down natives and putting in pines shouldn't be accepted for either of these resources.

    Yes, I kinda agree Rob. All business, in NZ at least, is required to work within rules that mean that the conduct of their business is beneficial to the nation in one way or another, and broadcasting seems to carry some cultural and social responsibility across much of the planet.

    Can't do station-by-station. That is information that we are not privy to. But format-by-format ... in the March 2008 quarter (the latest quarter) -

    * Pop - 13.11%
    * Rock - 26.05%
    * Urban - 13.01%
    * Adult Contemporary - 19.70%
    * Hot A/C - 16.85%
    * Easy - 15.33%

    * Overall - 19.90%

    The peak in the March quarter was 21.04% (overall) and Rock radio as a format peaked at 30.25%.

    In the March quarter, all but one format was up on the previous quarter and the overall was up from 18.88% to 19.90%.

    Which is great but there still seems to be an element of smoke and mirrors in here. Clearly, using the Airplay charts from Radioscope, NZ music is not represented well in the 100 most played songs which is one of the places where it matters most surely, and it hasn't been for years now. Neither in the singles charts. NZ music is doing terribly in terms of the points system that the radio charts are based on.

    We can claim strong percentages but when these percentages are raised artificially by the likes of Kiwi-FM and non-prime play it can only raise concern.

    But well done on the Adult Contemporary figure, I know this was a real problem area a few years back.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    That remains to be seen. Both Brooke and Opshop are just now launching US and UK campaigns (respectively).

    Hi Brendan,
    I wish both artist well, as i do any NZ musician, but lets be honest, neither is accompanied by a major release of their respective albums.

    Re: Fat Freddies..I have to re-iterate the above statement..if radio hadn't had the nous to pick a track off a crossover 45,000 selling album by the stage it got to that level, there is something wrong. Surely they were aware of it. They simply jumped on it after the rest of the nation had already worked it out.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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