Posts by recordari

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  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    Regarding twins: @Recordari - one egg or two egg twins for you? We've got one egg twins, which is not what you'd expect given fertility treatment where two egg twins are much more common.

    Two. The first photo in the album was taken down the microscope. And while I certainly didn't call my wife a great white whale, I do have photographic evidence for when I need some leverage ;-)

    There is so much in your post that hopefully others will pick up on. I've been 'filling in' as primary care-giver for the past week, and while I know many men who have done this for extended periods, I'm crap at it. Things get done, but just not on any rational timetable, and piles of washing can sit forgotten in the machine until at 2pm I jump up and go 'shit, we're running out of drying time'. No doubt if it were a long term thing, things would improve. Well at least that's what I tell myself. better go make the coffee. That I've been doing for 18 years, so I'm nearly getting the hang of it.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    And the later Earthsea books Don't Exist, OK?

    Time Out called this afternoon to say my copy of the 'Quartet' is in, so I'll report whether Part Four is a fumigant* of my imagination or not.

    *I'm developing a habit of accepting whatever the spell check throws up first. You can't spell figment? Yes, yes, typo, Ok?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Google to Embargo China,

    I've been reading about the Carter 08 Petition, and so far cannot find anything to suggest there was widespread dissent and support, within or outside China, for this initiative. The fingerprints of the Endowment for Democracy do seem to be there again, but if this is to be believed, and they have found it difficult also, the petition got only 7000 signatures. It will require some more digging, but at the risk of further flaming the fires (Keith is here too with some incendiary devices), out of 1.3 billion, is that widespread dissent? So if they are really arresting people for this level of 'insurgency', then they truly are paranoid, or really good at controlling people, or both.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Musings,

    Letter to Pat Robertson from Satan.

    If I had a thing going with Haiti, there'd be lots of banks, skyscrapers, SUVs, exclusive night clubs, Botox -- that kind of thing. An 80 percent poverty rate is so not my style.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've got to listen to the music,

    Brand Brown.

    Can we get PAS declared a cult, so we can get banned in China [thread splice].

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've got to listen to the music,

    Brown is the new Moses.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've got to listen to the music,

    One could argue that in this respect, the clear commercialism of Britney Spears is actually more 'authentic' and 'honest' than the apparent affectations of the BDO brand position.

    Ok, so I'm reading in larger font now, and this really needs to be slam dunked. Can someone please throw me a lob, 'cause the basket [case] is open, and the defenders are all checking they didn't get a text from Russell Crowe.

    Any 'movement' or sub-culture, from 1950's beatniks through to hippies, punks, Goths, EMOs and metalheads, as well as homeopaths, New Agers, Linux-users, fair-traders

    Anyone feeling left out?

    Sorry, we have to give him a late breaking contradiction.

    One has to conclude that the authenticity is truly there - it is an excellent brand.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've got to listen to the music,

    Whereas the Kumeu Classic Car and Hotrod show is on today. You want counter culture, how's them apples?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've got to listen to the music,

    They're the opposition. Crowey and me are going to find a paddock and let our respective armies have it out.

    My almost sole claim to fame is R Crowe throwing me in the freezer at The Venue on my 16th birthday. So if you want a legionnaire with the bloodlust, I'm your man.

    Jeez, Campbell Smith was trying it on a bit when he told Mikey yesterday morning that they'd created a great environment for Local Produce -- it was more Guantanamo Bay than Hawke's Bay.

    Yeah. It was certainly more Gravel Pit than Passion Pit.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've got to listen to the music,

    Well that was that then. There'll be many deconstructions on here, and Moses will be back from parting the sea of teenagers any moment I'm sure. But since I'm awake (kids!), here's my brief two cents.

    I found it very difficult to get inspired by anything after Minuit and Kora, which finished at 5pm. I mean Ladyhawke had a good crowd, but it was bigger than the allowable area, so watched from the side, which was the same for Gin Wigmore. Dizzee was, well Dizzee, and the crowd went wild, and I went to the Lilypad, where a guy in a gimp suit channelled his grandfather and James Brown. That's what my friend told me in any case, cause after they struggled with the drum kit for 30mins, I'd gone to watch Lily in Pink on the main stage. 'FU, FU very, very much. Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew, so please don't stay in touch'. A veritable chorus of teenage mutagenisity sang with great aplomb.

    Then Led Zeppelin let loose with the hair, waistcoats, tight pants and ear splitting vocals, followed by Queen singing 'I Want it All', complete with lasers and mass hysteria. Actually I like both Mars Volta and Muse, but at the point I said, 'yip, seen it', and looked at the map for what to do next, things got a bit listless and I found myself wondering around between Gin Wigmore, the Boiler room and the Lily pad looking for traction.

    It is possible I'm officially no longer the target demographic for this festival, and that would be a great shame, as I have spent many an excellent afternoon there in the past. Without a 'I would pay the cover charge just to see that band' act in future, think I'll be sticking to reformed 80s bands saving for their retirement.

    Bring on Echo and the Bunnymen and The Pixies.

    Oh, and yes I did catch some Groove Armada, but by that stage I'd had enough of standing in the 'World's largest Bong', so stood outside under the tent pegs, with the other quadrogenarians.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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