Posts by DCBCauchi

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  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad, in reply to Just thinking,

    Recognise anyone here?

    Ha ha. The very thing I asked.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad, in reply to Sacha,


    That was the great thing about our civilisation. Millions of people with large amounts of disposable income and an advanced industrial society in which to spend it.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Don't get me wrong. I freaked out when he first pulled out these guns and battle armour he'd bought. It's pretty weird. Not scary but.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad, in reply to Sacha,

    I’ve never heard of LARPers using explosives. Expensive swords and armour, yes.

    But this isn't swords and armour stuff. It's guns and explosives stuff. They spend a lot of time and money making it as realistic as possible. Whole sets and everything.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad, in reply to Sacha,

    I understand uniforms and even old weapons, but do they usually collect explosives as well?

    I have a friend who is into these kind of mock battle games, kind of like a real-world computer game shoot-em-up. Like paintball, but I don't think they use paintballs, at least judging from the marks he's shown me. He's invested a lot of time and money into it, as people do with their hobbies and interests. It would not surprise me if he or some of his mates had some explosives as part of that, used carefully under strictly controlled conditions by suitably qualified people.

    Apparently, these kind of games are big with the rozzers. They have all kinds of dodgy sounding scenarios they play (e.g. 'room clearances').

    Even when he's been extremely drunk and very angry about something, I nor any of our other friends have ever been concerned about our personal safety because he plays these games (or for any other reason).

    I don't share his interest, but that's all it is. A way to blow off steam after work.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I imagine the trick would be knowing the difference.

    Quite. You wouldn't think it'd be that hard.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I am no more nervous of this guy than I would be of a can opener collector if I were a tin of soup.

    That’s an impenetrable metaphor …

    Is it?

    I imagine tins of soup would be extremely nervous about people wielding can openers with intent but not about can opener collectors. Just as I'd be extremely nervous about David Gray but not about a military paraphernalia collector per se.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad, in reply to Sacha,

    two military flares, a smoke grenade, a thunderflash explosive, part of an anti-personnel mine, eight sticks of powergel explosive, a grenade launcher, and two military-style semi-automatic firearms.

    I presume the court will be told why, but in the meantime that sure doesn’t sound too harmless from here, no matter how friendly the guy is.

    That sounds perfectly harmless to me. The collecting impulse is deeply strange. All sorts of people collect all sorts of things, out of a fascinated interest in the things themselves. For the things themselves, not to use them on some fantasy rampage.

    I am no more nervous of this guy than I would be of a can opener collector if I were a tin of soup.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Complaint and culture, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Ross is a top guy, but it was patronising to attribute difficulties in breastfeeding to an incorrect attitude

    If he'd done that, sure. If he did, it was in one clumsily worded phrase out of a several paragraph post.

    I'm not going to check, but I'm pretty sure he clarified in his first response that, with regard to that phrase, he was talking about the 95% of women who 'do not (or should not)' (as I recall the phrase) have physical problems.

    But, yeah, I'm not going to argue it.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Complaint and culture,

    I've idly wondered what it is that makes this site so wrong. I'm a little fascinated by it.

    I think it's because no-one actually treats what anyone writes with any genuine respect. No-one approaches things in good faith. They're always looking for the agenda, trying to 'fit it into a pattern'. People don't read what's actually there. They read what they've already preconceived.

    Anyway, my two cents worth.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

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