Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Caleb D'Anvers,

    Considering his position in the polls right now, I guess anything’s worth a shot.

    You might want to ask how getting smacked around for charity worked for Bill English. :)

    How the hell did we wind up here via Tauranga?

    Free association that would make Herr Doktor Freud drop his pencil pretty much covers the waterfront.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Paul Williams,

    NZ’s had a terrible time of late and any government, any PM, would be struggling just as much as the public.

    I suspect there's quite a few heads of government asking themselves"what the bugger was I thinking?" nowadays. :)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to hamishm,

    Cool. Thanks for the clarification, and sorry about giving the wrong end of the stick a good gnawing. Really shouldn't read stuff like this on an empty stomach -- because I'd really like to think nobody is going to play Rena quite that cynically.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to hamishm,

    Now, I hope that his gang get tossed out more than anything at the moment but he’s had the worst earthquake, the worst oil spill and the worst mining accident for nearly 100 years all on his watch.

    Hey, Hamish, thanks for leaving the Muslims, queers and godless liber-uhls out of the frame for all that. You know what, you might want to think twice about using a natural disaster that killed 181 for a cheap political drive by – then don’t do it. Try making whatever substantive policy point you've got to make instead.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to 3410,

    but he didn’t quite advocate behaviour that would get people poisoned, which is what you implied.

    And I’ll concede my comment could reasonably have been read that way, and that’s unfair to Goff,

    Meanwhile, I wish I wasn’t watching Key and Goff waving their cocks at each other on One News. Jeebus Crust, I’d like to take the naughty step and slap them both upside the head.

    Like communicating with the public.

    That actually works both ways, Sacha. It would help in situations like this if the ADHD media built a bridge and got over this particular mutation of CSI syndrome. On Planet Earth, reliable and useful information doesn't just materialise to suit the news cycle. It can be done -- with a few exceptions, after the second Christchurch quake media outlets got that it was more important to get things right (and provide prompt and prominent correction of misinformation) than get the scoop.

    It would also be a genuine public service if "rage" was occasionally tempered by facts. It's knowledge, bro, and it matters.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to 3410,

    IMO, this has been a different scenario where the damage done may have been reduced had there been an immediate, comprehensive response from across all levels of government.

    Which is a marginally more useful argument to have than bitching the Prime Minister for admitting he didn't know specific answers to specific questions at a presser. A charge which, it seems, isn't even particularly fair.

    Yep, attempting to clean up without safety equipment and training is a bad idea. Just remind where Goff said that locals should do that.

    Perhaps you can show me where Goff deigned to point out that there were perfectly legitimate environmental and safety reasons why locals were warned off in the first place. And while we're talking about being under-briefed, safe handling and disposal of toxic oil and God only knows what else might wash up is a little more complicated that photocopying a couple of flyers, and handing out rubber gloves and zip-lock baggies.

    Could it be within the realm of possibility that there are bigger priorities - and a ticking clock attached to a environmental suitcase nuke - in play here?

    I get the politics - man of the people vs. the uncaring Government and out of touch bureaucratic bunglers - but I'm not really convinced he's being entirely helpful or responsible.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Paul Williams,

    Craig, he should get briefed and inform the public at any and every opportunity, this isn’t something that’s developed overnight.

    Well, shoulda woulda coulda and $4 bucks will buy you a coffee. But you know what, Paul, I bet Stephen Joyce wishes he wasn’t all over the media yesterday (over-) confidently asserting that there was nothing hazardous in any of the containers that went overboard. Whoops – either he was spectacularly poorly briefed or engaged in a bit of wishin’ and hopin’ that’s come back to bite him in the arse.

    Goff could do a lot worse right now than turn up on the beaches and make the appropriate noises. It would also have the benefit of pointedly showing who isn’t there….not that I’m looking at anyone in particular, John.

    I really don't think it's very smart of Goff (or any other politician) to be saying shit like this:

    "[Residents] feel that they want to be out there now, helping clean up, yet they are being told to stay away," he said.

    "I think it would be much better to try involve the locals. Get them the equipment, give them the safety instruction that they need and to make them part of the solution.

    "This is their beach. It means a lot to them and at the moment they feel they are not being involved."

    Fucking hell, Phil - do you think it might be a little better for properly trained experts who already have training - and access to safety equipment - to get the hell on with mitigating the potentiall catastrophic effectis as far as possible? Yes, I can understand why locals feel frustrated but that's preferable to the long-term effects of poisoning.

    Pardon my cynicism, but it might not be a bad thing if Tauranga was declared a politician-free red zone and the people who are actually more use than a stiff prick in a dyke bar on date night go to work.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Paul Williams,

    that’s got to command a response more than, “I’ve not been briefed on that yet”?

    FFS, Paul, and if he hasn’t been briefed yet should he just pull something out of his arse? I remember similar bitching after the second Christchurch Quake, and it was actually pretty important that people (especially the Prime Minister) NOT spread misinformation that quite literally could have endangered lives.

    One major criticism I have of the media is how often the obession with getting a soundbite right now overwhelms the obligation to get things right. If Key hadn't been briefed, you may think he's a plonker or someone just isn't doing their damn job. But I'd rather he actually said he doesn't know than try and bullshit his way through a presser.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Paul Williams,

    This morning on NatRad, he consistently said, I don’t know, I don’t have the detail, I can’t recall… I find it infuriating

    I find it a damn less infuriating than (and you might like to go make a cup of tea before reading the rest of this, Paul) Clark’s near pathological inability to say “I don’t know” or, even worse, “I was wrong” with any kind of good grace. To be fair, politicians are damned if they do (FLIP-FLOP screams the hack-pack!) and damned if they don’t (ARROGANT AND OUT OF TOUCH!), but I think we don’t get to have it both ways.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Lara,

    If RNZ is to be balanced, it has to include a range of voices.

    I don’t believe anyone is saying anything to the contrary. But I’d respectfully suggestion RNZ also has a public obligation to include a range of voices that actually add some value to the marketplace of ideas. Then again, New Zealand media seem to be doing a pretty good job of abrogating editorial responsibility for much of anything.

    Bomber’s opinions may not be to the liking of everyone all the time

    I think there’s a fair few people around here who don’t agree with Bomber any of the time. If I want a soothing drone of agreeable chunter, I talk to myself. Only way to get satisfaction

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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