Posts by Danielle
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to be able to talk without seeing stunned incomprehension in the face of my non-rhotic accent
Danielle Ordering in Any Restaurant in the US South: A Play in One Brief But Oft-Repeated Act
'I'd like a glass of water, please.'
<blank look>
'What was that, hon?'
'Oh, a glass of WAHDDER! Coming right up.' -
But George, people don't move to NZ for a cosmopolitan lifestyle. Look at where we are! Widely accessible jet travel to and from New Zealand only started in the 60s; my mum went to the UK in 1966 on a boat. It took her six weeks. Widespread use of the internet is only a little over a decade old. I think it's asking a bit much to turn us into a global hub of something-or-other so quickly, particularly when I'm sure our appeal to some immigrants is that we aren't anywhere. We're far away. We're on the edges. We don't, in the grand scheme of things, matter much. And for some people, I bet it's really nice to live somewhere that doesn't matter. That's why you'd choose NZ in the first place, perhaps.
I'm 'from' two places and have found it awkward sometimes. I'm a strange New Zealander (too talkative) and an even stranger Cajun. Go to rural Louisiana, be driven mad by boredom and racism and being 'too weird'; come back here, miss people and food... feel like you're losing your heritage... I can't even rustle up the right accent without a reminder phone call. And it's not like I can go and join the local Cajun New Zealander Association or something. Heh. I'm a club of one!
I wouldn't live back there, though, because I really love living in NZ. Love. It. (I clearly missed all the requisite transplant misery. I never felt it even when I first came back in 2002. I was terrified they'd turn down my husband's permanent residency application!) I'd just like some brilliant person to invent the Star Trek transporter for fortnightly Louisiana visits. Particularly in crawfish season.
Good work, Paul and Paul-related team!
I'd kinda like to hear Elvis doing John Denver songs, TBT. If he had the full Vegas band behind him...
Still? Wow...
I know, I know. It's almost like a retro-90s thing at this point. Who uses listservs any more? The longtime subscribers are all on Facebook now anyway.
I guess my dreamboat turned out to be a footnote, LegBreak.
Specials-related fact: EC produced their debut album. But y'all knew that.
What's he done now?
My problem is that because I subscribe to costello-l, I get to read everything the man ever says in any interview anywhere in the world. So his most recent obsessions are repeated and amplified to the point that he totally annoys me. I should just stop reading all the links and then I'd like him more.
Have you heard Dave Dobbyn's "Lament for the Numb" CD?
I am one of the three people in New Zealand who bought that album when it came out. I await the critical rediscovery of the Dobbo on that one. When will 'Love Over All' get its due? (I'm sort of pleased it was only Bruce and Pete as the band, and not Steve. I love Steve, but he can be a little frou-frou.)
[EC] always had the personality issues, it's just he had the tunes to cover them
I don't mind 'bitter, revengeful fuck'. It's 'whiney, hypocritical ass' I'm not so keen on. The man suffers from what I'm now calling lawnism (as in 'you kids get off my...') when it comes to filesharing, iPods and intertubes generally. Plus that US tour where only Visa cardholders could buy tickets took the absolute biscuit.
Kind of excited by the new bluegrass-influenced album, though. :)
The Attractions without EC
I am so annoyed with EC (the person) at the moment that I'd probably be happy with the Attractions and some dude who does a killer imitation of EC (the singer). Heh.
Reminds me of the time I saw the Beach Boys without Brian, Carl, Dennis, Al, Mike (who'd quit again, a few days previously) or Bruce
Who needs any of those guys when you've got John Stamos?
Yeah, just to be a spoilsport, The Specials without Jerry Dammers is like The Clash without Joe Strummer.
Some of us, Mr Grigg, were four years old when the first Specials album came out, so we're taking what we can get. :)