Posts by Danielle
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I wanted to make a pun re tenants/tenets but it was beyond me. I was hoping Ian Dalziel would turn up and do it for me. :)
Islam should be forced to treat people equally, right?
Yep. I don't know how you do it, but in for a penny, in for a pound. I think they're all equally a crock of shit, so it's only fair. (The oldest religions have the prettiest churches and art, though. I'll give them that.)
Baby was an abortion-procurer, Tess. It's a slippery slope identifying with her!
people of faith won't be silenced or shoved into a corner so as to not annoy you
It would be unforgivably flippant to embed a relevant clip from Dirty Dancing right here, wouldn't it?
Question to the world at large: how do these discussions always come around to 'oh noes, you are oppressing [religious sect] by forcing them to treat people equally!'?
Tess, if the Church is seriously channelling God with all this milquetoast doublespeak bigotry, then I'm afraid my opinion is that God continues to be... kind of a total asshole.
I'd descriminate against Tony Vietch if he wanted to run a woman's refuge. Or a pedophile from babysitting children.
And these two examples are like gay people having equal civil rights... how?
forbidding employers to refuse work to women or pay them less
Although we don't have any formal commitment to pay equity for women in New Zealand, of course. That would be Political Correctness Gone Mad. (I am filled with a cold, hard rage about the scrapping of that unit.)
Also, if God thinks two loving parents of the same sex is 'spiritually harmful', then God is kind of a... total asshole.
I'd be unhappy at the restaurant in Kyle's example, but I still see it as their decision.
Hm. If you're a bigot, can you still hang a sign in a shop window saying 'no blacks, no dogs, no Irish' without legal repercussions?
I don't know, for IANAL.
I don't think cocaine works as a nasal *de*congestant, somehow...
Frankly, why would you want to join an organisation that had weird, bigoted ideas, and then change it? What's the point?
That's why I'm not a Catholic. :)