Posts by Phil Lyth

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  • Hard News: The truth about "Party Central",

    Accidentally discussing that on another thread.

    Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I should not post when not fully awake and caffineated.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: iPad Impressions,

    had to go to the local DSE today for something basic. Asked the ever-helpful Andre, what is this iPad thing anyway? (Yes, luddite-alert)

    He said basically it is an iPhone with a bigger screen.

    Is this accurate or a heresy?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    How bizarre. Martin Snedden has provided a 180-degree 'clarification' to the Sunday Star Times in a statement which is not on the RWC site. The SST reports:

    Snedden [said on Media7] "The answer is absolutely no. We were not obligated to provide a party central."

    However, he provided a written statement to the Sunday Star-Times yesterday headed "clarify my Media 7 comments".

    "Auckland has a contractual obligation to RWC 2011 to provide a fan zone in a waterfront CBD location, the location of which, as a result of the recent agreement between Government and the ARC [Auckland Regional Council], will be on Queens Wharf, something which we fully support and are delighted about."

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    the signed Andy Haden books that we seemed to be knee deep in

    So is dear wee Andy becoming the Ted Heath of NZ? With unsigned books going for 20x the price of the signed ones?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    Denis Welch had some commentary

    Can you point me in the right direction please? Not having any luck finding him by myself

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    . . . ludicrous rates paid for freelance journalism . . . Freelancers physically can't do good, deep feature stories for the word rates being paid . . . The celebrity part really took off with the launch of the Herald on Sunday

    I may be missing something here Russell, but are you saying that freelancers can't deliver substance on the per-word rate, but that celebs such as La Coddington will deliver for that same rate?

    Maybe Frank Richards had the right idea. Contracted for-so-much-money-per-line, he delivered one word per line.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    As we are talking about the Daily Mail, I must reprise Conor's great link from last month: 'just fantastic' he said.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    head/desk simulator

    We must ask Craig, he would be the obvious person to know if this already exists . . .

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ideology for Evidence,

    As usual Farrar is telling much less than half the story, and just enough to suit his spin

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ideology for Evidence,

    There's a healthy black market in China for those doctor's certificates.

    Well there's an opportunity for Farrer Slater Ltd (and others) to start up an enterprise selling medical certificates through the interweb.

    No need for a doctor to have seen the person. Nor indeed to be a registered medical practictioner in NZ. Just collect $200 for passing Go, and the employer pays. What a wonderful business model.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

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