Posts by dyan campbell

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  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    I had a nutshell once.
    Couldn't find anything to put it in. Had to get rid of it.

    My Mum could have helped you there... one Christmas season when she wanted to keep me and my brother out of her way for a few hours, she suggested we carefully open walnuts, take out the nut, replace it with a note that read "HELP! I'M BEING HELD CAPTIVE IN A WALNUT FACTORY!" and carefully glue them back together. Then we snuck them into peoples's holiday centrepieces, shop bins filled with walnuts etc. We thought it was the funniest thing on earth (I was 6 and my brother would have been 9).
    In hindsight, my mother may have been good at keeping pesky children busy, but she was a little odd.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    Maybe so. Karl even likes fake tatoos

    Possibly... but I'm guessing not, as none of the articles about the BDO said she was dressed in Chanel, which would be pretty important to them - they would want very staged, scripted photo ops to accompany any appearance of their product. If she's wearing Chanel, they would really, really want her press releases to say so, and they'd make sure the press said so as well.

    But I'm pretty sure she embodies pretty much everything the company is looking for - a ratio of 85% cute to 15% edge, and she does look great in their product. Chanel has carefully been distancing itself from the image of the elegant but deeply middle aged and terribly conservative. Lily Allen is a good choice.

    God, I used to spend a lot of money on clothes. I once spent a month's salary on a dress. I must have been insane.

    Lily Allen Pictures (of the photo-op variety)

    lily Allen Face of Chanel

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    That pink number didn't happen to be by Chanel?

    Mmm, probably not, though it was faintly Chanel-esq in the clean edges and space suit lines. Not that she couldn't afford to trash a $10,000 dress but usually a big house like Chanel wlll have a lot of say how you wear their clothes, who sees you, what you're doing in them, what you say when wearing them etc. I don't think Chanel would agree to let their stuff be worn during one of her concerts, though I can see they would be prepared to pay her millions to wear their stuff in their editorial campaigns and red carpet events.

    Weird world, celebrity endorsements. I can remember reading Michael Jordan made more endorsing Nikes than every factory worker since the dawn of Nike had been paid collectively. Is that possible?

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    Sad music news:

    Kate McGarrigle Dies

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    She can and will do as takes her fancy.
    It's just so much easier on the mind, having it large, after a visit to the accountant.

    Im envious, if you want something to bash me over the head with.

    Well, there's even more to envy - I think if you checked her accounts you'd find that much of what looks like living it up large is actually earning her a sizable part of her fortune. Wherever you see a non-model modelling, you are seeing a paid endorsement. Paid endorsements do not come cheap - and they're not going to pay her off in $5,000.00 handbags either. I would be curious to see how the dollars from this campaign stack up against her earnings from music. They'd both be very large sums.

    Lily Allen the Face of Chanel

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've got to listen to the music,

    Sad news that Jay Reatard has died

    10 Reasons Jay Reatard Was Cool

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    Oh Stephen C, am reading your Invisible Boy link, had to take a digestion break after a third, but so far it really hard hitting and I feel that I am learning something.

    Thankyou Kowhai, I appreciate your effort. Its not an easy read.

    Yes, I read it too Stephen - heartbreaking stuff. Thanks for posting that.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    Dental health... well it's nice to be asked, but the extent of my expertise is that I read dental journals while I worked a reception desk at a dentists' office when I was a university student... 30 years ago...

    Don't know about toothpaste... I suspect it helps to loosen plaque, which is extremely sticky and difficult to remove - and the re-mineralising aspect of it would be useful.

    Your teeth can be sound and your gums diseased, this is something to be aware of as you get older. They can fix any tooth, in any state - but they can't fix the bones under the gums, once periodontal disease becomes serious and bone loss gets underway.

    One of the interesting things to emerge is the link between gingival health and general health - cardiovascular disease, arthritis, any auto immune disorder etc).

    Gingival health of pregnant women is also strongly implicated in health of both mother and child:

    Gingival Health

    Oral infection, especially gingivitis and periodontitis may affect course and pathogenesis of a number of systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, preeclampsia and low birth weight. The purpose of this essay is to evaluate current status of oral infections, especially periodontitis, as a causal factor for systemic diseases.

    Periodontal disease is a big cause of miscarriage and probably one of the easiest things to guard against.

    There has always been a known link between good teeth and good health, but relatively recently it has become apparent this has nothing to do with being able to eat a wider range of foods (as was once believed) but more to do with the underlying periodontal health and the effect that has on the whole system. All illness is inflammation, basically, and bad gums are a source of inflammation that is constantly being fed into your bloodstream.

    My childs dentist informed me a few weeks ago that we are born with mouths free from bacteria (makes sense) but we spread it to babies and children by kissing them, sharing cups etc.

    Yes, and younger children often get decay earlier than their older siblings for this reason. Though most babies have picked up the pathogen one way or another before they have teeth.

    Sofie - the salivia thing - I gathered from the journals I read the pH of an individual's salvia influences the rate of replication of the bacteria that cause dental decay, so some mouths are more hospitable to the pathogens than others.

    Actually the bacteria only sort of cause the decay...

    My sister & cousin (teachers, the both of them) used to tell their classes of kids (primary school) about how the bacteria themselves don't cause the decay... it's the bacteria poop that causes the decay.

    The parents of said children reported gratefully that their children were now very dedicated brushers and flossers.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    teeth, genetics and fluoride:

    If your mother was pregnant with you and was drinking a water supply that was high in (naturally occurring) minerals and a diet rich in calcium - that will give a person a big advantage to start. So soft water (rain water etc) which tastes nice and is good to wash in - is not so good for your teeth and bones - whereas well water that is rich in minerals is not so good tasting, horrible to wash in - and much better for bone health. Also - pH of salvia (largely genetic) and age when the pathogen that causes dental cavities are introduced matters.

    I used to work as a dental receptionist about 30 years ago and had little to do but read dental journals.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    Craig, I don't blame Betty for being unsure of leaving. Really, what are her options?

    Few and none of them easy --

    That's for sure - in the days Mad Men is set Betty's options would not have been that different from Anna Karenina's: if she had wanted to leave her husband she would not have had the right to take her children with her.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

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