Posts by Keith Ng

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  • I feel Ayn Rand,

    Morals, schmorals: I am feeding the machine because I love the story on a purely 'ohnohedidn't' level...

    I already know that I suck in fundamental ways, but I laughed for a very long time at the YouTube slow jam someone made from the 'take your name off your phone' voicemail.

    Couldn't we just stick to fiction? Here we are, golden age of television, with an endless supply of beautiful, sexy and scandalous stories... and yet the saddest part is not that we choose "real life", but that we choose to enshrine its stupidest, crassest, most debased stories... and call it celebrity news.

    I'd rather we do away with the facade and just put porn in its place.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • I feel Ayn Rand,

    Some of this relates to Tiger but I still think that he walked into this trap and that Ayn Rand's criticism of "most of humanity" is a bit rich.

    See!! There you go - this idea that he *deserves* it. That if he allows himself to be worshipped, it's his own bloody fault.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • I feel Ayn Rand,

    Filtering out all celebrity-related news might have saved you from that.

    I did. I no longer watch TV news, and barely read NZ papers anymore. My only absorption of the Woods story has been through display advertising in public spaces, and I think that illustrates how ridiculous it's become.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • Southerly: Still a Scientist at Heart,

    Perhaps the bees coincidentally appeared when you mowed the beehive-like object. You should repeat the experiment to get more conclusive results.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Manufacturing Dissent,

    Once Phil Goff is no longer leader of the Labour Party, it will be possible to have a sensible discussion on crime.

    Yeah, I think you're right on this one, George. Worse than the fact that he carries a decade of ministerial baggage with him is that it makes the entire caucus unable to say anything about it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    Fair call, sagenz. If the original thing that I was trying to confirm panned out, it would actually have been a matter of public interest. That was why I poked around and sent off a few emails. I didn't get anything, so I stopped pursuing it.

    But then they started erasing evidence and falling apart, which was suspicious, baffling, but mostly just amusing.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    So, you don't own, or Gotcha Publishing Limited, and you're not an authorised officer of Gotcha Publishing Limited... but you were the person who registered it in Belize.

    Gotcha Publishing Limited does not own, and has absolutely nothing to do with the site... so a person who was not you or Cameron Slater erroneously registered it to an absolutely unconnected IBC in Belize. Which just happened to have been registered by you a month before.

    And the "Copyright Gotcha Publishing Limited" was yet another typo, which just happened to be the name of this absolutely unconnected IBC.


    I just wanted to do something that I could do with any other company in NZ - find out who the directors are. You pretty much trumped me with Belize law right from the get-go, and I couldn't think of a way of getting around it.

    So I asked.

    As Scotty says, you were well within your rights to tell me to fuck off the first time, and well within your rights to continue telling me to fuck off. All I had was "hey, you're in Belize".

    Instead, what started out as a completely normal and legal business arrangement that you weren't ashamed of suddenly had nothing to do with you or the website, and any connection to the company is "corrected".

    I don't think anyone with an actual purview gave a toss to begin with, but feel free to continue with the wild, swerving evasion. Still, I think Scotty's advice is sound: You should've stuck with "fuck off".

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    I doubt it. Slater is, as reported in the SST, on income protection insurance, so I doubt he wants them to know that he has a company. Meanwhile, breaking the Companies Act might be trivial, but could be much more serious for a commercial lawyer.

    It may be entirely coincidental that Cactus Kate left two days after I emailed her about this, but changing the copyright notice to pretend that they're not linked to the Belize entity? That's fleeing the scene.

    As I mentioned before, what we don't know is who else is involved with Gotcha. Sure, WhaleOil's identity doesn't need protecting, but if there were others involved...

    And as I said, this is kinda where the trail ends. Unless insurance folks/companies office/IRD gets involved. And since there's no money in it, I can't see the latter two doing much.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    Schedule of fees for Orion:

    Incorporation of IBC's with Standard Authorized Capital of USD$50,000 or Less: USD$700

    Annual Renewal Fee: USD$400


    Just sayin'.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    Incidentally, the PA blog rankings are based on time served on PA. The only way to move up is... well, same rules as Highlander. You'd think that would be easy with journos, but you'd be wrong. Oh so wrong.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 543 posts Report

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