Posts by Danielle
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(I smashed an iPod into pieces today)
Pics or it didn't happen.
drawly US tone which sounds like Deputy Dawg
Popular culture certainly has a lot to answer for in the "southerner = ridiculous/stupid" area.
Sigh. I miss buying cheap things from America. Plus we're planning a mega-Christmas-trip around the USA and even a Holiday Inn (!) in DC for three days is starting to look like a major financial investment. Still, it could be worse. When I moved to the USA in 1998 our dollar was hovering around 40 US cents... ack.
I am vaguely weirded out by the tone of this discussion. But I'm not quite sure why.
She was made head librarian there last week... it appears to be because she's 'detail oriented' and doesn't mind telling other kids off.
You must nip this tendency in the bud! Believe me, librarianship is a miserable existence! :)
(I couldn't identify more with your inability to hear the doctor telling you the news. I try to have someone else with me to remember stuff at times like these, but sometimes it doesn't work.)
unfortunately there's no world-wide regulatory body for the performance enhancing drugs that rock stars and actors take
It would be great if one existed, because I have an ongoing curiosity about Paula Abdul's* obvious prescription drug addiction. I'd really love to know exactly what she takes and in what quantities.
(And then possibly replicate her dose while I'm at work, just to make everything gloriously fuzzy round the edges.)
*I know, she's not technically a 'rock star'. But MC Skat Kat was pretty hard core, man.
It seems such a tired issue now in any case.
Yes, issues of justice and equality are so *boring*, aren't they? Let's ignore them.
okay as pop goes
Oh, you rockists! <shakes fist>
BTW, Of Montreal were great last night, if anyone in Wellington is still tossing them up...
FOAD gobby shite
I am always rather suspicious of the 'she's such a *loudmouth*' thing about female musicians.
It was well-meant, anyway.
It's certainly better than the usual free-form hostility.
Story of her whole life.
Apart from her songs, which are really good. Right? Right.
Hey Sacha, where's 'Horified One'? I loved that single too. :)