Posts by stephen clover

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  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    I don't think its necessarily perverted to get off on other people's underwear...

    to compare that kind of sewer rat to the kind of pervert who gets off on other people's underwear

    Unless you mean, people who have not received permission to do same?

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    frolic in Trevor and Winston's salacious panty-sniffing sewer

    Craig, WTF?

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Oh, and by the way, Tamati Kruger's interview on Sunday tonight wasn't really helpful either ...

    No. Did he have to be quite so... mystical... vaguely threatening... threateningly vague...? I dunno...

    Ugh. This shit is doing my head in. Had one of those horrid "well if they haven't done anything wrong they've got nothing to worry about" remarks from an acquaintance today. Too right.. nothing to worry about, apart from spending 12 or more months in remand waiting for a chance to defend themselves.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Speaking of dodges, nobody has addressed my point that other species (primates, beavers) use technology extensively yet have no artistic expression.

    Doesn't that rather undermine your whole argument?

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    I would suggest that Danyl is too wrapped up in his world of binary logic to be able to see past it; this to the detriment of his reason.

    Seems to me the last hundred years (at least) have consisted of technology affecting society and art struggling (and often failing) to keep up. People who write software now have far more impact than people who write poetry.

    Indeed, please do stop being ''snide and willfully obtuse''. The art is in the idea, not the medium of execution. Nowt to do with poetry.

    Back on topic, did I dream it or did the cops hold a Armed Offenders Squad open day in West Auckland today? (TV3 News) Give the PR team a raise, effective immed.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reading Material,

    I suspect that some of the dudes in this position would like to think that even though NZOA has rejected them for not being commercial enough, that their 10-minute feedback solo/excusion into sonic chaos does actually have commercial potential, it's just that the dumb-arses at NZOA can't recognise it.

    dammit, I can't tell if you're joking or not :D

    Oh well, NZ bands touring overseas is probably only going to be viable for another handful of years, anyway.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reading Material,

    Does it create a Feelersization; a welfare state for bands who wouldn't normally work hard enough or be good enough to survive without NZOA?

    Is it wrong of me to pine for a system that provides grants to non-commercially viable acts -- but who are somehow seen to be worth something artistically (?) -- to help them do things that are only normally available to commercially successful acts -- tour, record, release.

    Especially now we have technology which can allow bands from NZ to much more easily gain huge acclaim globally while being virtually unknown at home. And recognising that "huge acclaim" doesn't usually translate into anything like money to pay for recording, releasing, touring.

    i.e. wasn't it like this in the good old days?

    (Disclaimer: I'm thinking of my own band(s) and those of my friends, a lot, here.)

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mint Chicks win everything,

    **__Back to Black__** (heh, I almost called it Back *in* Black there, which would have been a whole 'nother musical argument. Bon Scott forever, man!)

    Couldn't agree more... but Back in Black is a very credible record, nonetheless.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mint Chicks win everything,

    58. The ultimate Camp statement: it's good because it's awful . . .

    Ah, so THAT's what they mean, when they (mis)use "ironic".

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mint Chicks win everything,

    Buses that come early. No excuse.

    Buses that leave the terminal early! NAN excuses.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

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