Posts by Caleb D'Anvers

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  • Hard News: Screen Wars,

    Damn that shift button!

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: Screen Wars,

    <quote.Cheers Craig, that actually is quite a humorous thread. </quote>

    Agreed. I particularly enjoyed the "Elvis did it" theory and Ryan's "light and loving firebomb, delivered for the purpose of correction" quip.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: The son that got away,

    Oh for FUCK'S SAKE. Key has just appointed Nigel Latta to the group reviewing the child discipline law.

    Awesome! I hope that Latta can widen the group's terms of reference to include ESP, clairvoyance, and the survival of consciousness after death! Perhaps his findings will help police "sense" when an act of parental correction is neither "transitory" nor "trifling".

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: The son that got away,

    But the alarmingly large proportion of people who assume there's a simple 1:1 relationship between "what's in the paper" and "objective reality" will be spooked.

    I remember back when Iraena Asher "disappeared", closely followed by another media-created "disappearance" (a simple murder, really), there were workmates of mine who were scared to leave the building -- at lunchtime; in Newmarket -- because "people were disappearing" and "something spooky" was clearly happening.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Up Front: Does My Mortgage Look Like a…,

    ... nation's capital's early years ...

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Up Front: Does My Mortgage Look Like a…,

    I'll have you know I looked up the Satans on before I swallowed them. My eyes did get quite deceived later on though.

    One of the joys of acquainting oneself with the Evangelist is discovering what an active role Satan took in our nation's capital early years. Pub licensing in Te Aro and Thorndon Flat; public dancing; the wicked 10-year Wellington Anniversary Fete of 1850 -- all of it, Satan's work. Apparently.

    Unfortunately, Yahweh didn't give a corresponding level of support for The Total Abstinence Society's regular Tea Meetings in Karori.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Up Front: Does My Mortgage Look Like a…,

    Personally, I think that the Listener should give up and just reprint stuff from old, trusted sources, like The New Zealand Evangelist (1848-50). This piece especially, from the 1 June 1850 issue, seems to resonate with the Listener's current ethos:

    Summer is now gone with all its beauty—its green fields, its clear skies, and its brilliant sunshine; and with all its exciting amusements—its rural sports, its regattas, and its races. Winter has again returned with all its gloom,—with its dull days and long nights,—with its faded scenery, its chill damps, its cold winds, and its drenching rains. There are few attractions without, and enjoyments must be sought within. And so it is. The votaries of pleasure are eagerly pursuing the most exciting of in-door amusements; from Government House to the lowest taverns, we have ball-rooms lighted up; youth, beauty, and fashion are giving animation to the halls of revelry; and nothing is heard but mirth and music, nothing is seen but dancing and merriment, from the noon of night to the dawn of morning.

    “But what harm is there in a ball?” it will be asked, “Is it not an innocent amusement? Dancing is not so bad as drinking. It often prevents drinking. Would you never let young people enjoy themselves?”

    We know that dancing is such a favourite amusement—one in which there is so much enjoyment—it is countenanced by so many respectable people—so much can be said in its favour—its decided opponents are so few—and the grounds on which it is condemned are sometimes so untenable—that we are well aware, we undertake a very unpopular task when we endeavour to show the evils of balls and dancing parties. It is, however, a common mistake to think that because there are some good things, or some defensible points, in this and kindred amusements, and because so many are passionately fond of them, they must therefore be in themselves harmless and innocent, and liable only to the ordinary abuses to which all good things are exposed. Satan is far too crafty to exhibit unmixed evil. He colours his poisoned pills, so as to deceive the eyes of the unreflecting, and they swallow them without suspicion!

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    I'm loving the confused vitriol being dished out over at Your Views:

    When I voted National. I voted because I thought Key had guts. How wrong I was. JK has just proven that he is the same as other politicians (Gutless, two faced, liars, that are out for self gratification only. I Do believe that there is far to much violence to wards children and that something needs to be done, But this crap arse law is not going to do anything worth while. The referendum was nothing more than a pr exercise and JK made sure of that. 9 million dollars of self glorification.

    I know it's perhaps unfair to expect. People who can't type. In complete sentences. To have actual coherent thought patterns. But ... LOLWHAT?

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    As I've just pointed out over on Kiwiblog: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, nobody is entitled to their own facts.

    Thanks for that link, Craig. It's amusing to see that JK has earned the sobriquet "Neville Key" for his stance on the smacking issue. Because if there's one Hitler stood for, it was his passionate commitment to not smacking children. That's clearly what the annexation of Czechoslovakia was really about.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The Inexorable Advance,

    I want to be a member of Victoria University, why should I be forced to be a member of the Victoria University of Wellington Students' Association?

    'I would like to be a citizen of New Zealand. But I don't want to pay income tax! I don't use any of these petty taxpayer-funded "services;" I'm an an entirely autonomous entity!'

    'I didn't vote for this particular government! Why should they get my tax money? I should be able to rescind the social contract to avoid people whom I disagree with ideologically from getting their hands on public funds!'

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

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