Posts by Andre Alessi

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  • Hard News: The First Draft, in reply to recordari,

    So then I was just gnoming? It’s a meme I’ve been working on since about November 2009, so I’m hoping it will take at some stage.

    Surely it'd be more useful to refer to it as "trogging"? (Since troglodytes are related to trolls in classic D&D, while gnomes are small, cheerful and friendly.)

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: The First Draft, in reply to giovanni tiso,

    It should be pointed out that the feedback was on the website. I think it falls under angry lonely men with keyboards.

    But I don't even own a television.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to Stephen Judd,

    Interesting. I just looked at the Big Picture site, and shot number 3 now says “Editor’s Note: this picture has been removed.”

    Still shows the graphic content warning and a "click here to view image" link for me, but it may be cached locally?.

    It's not actually "graphic" in the sense of "blood and guts", by the way, it's the context that makes it disturbing. I don't think it was clear to the photographer what was going to happen while the photo was taken.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some time last week, in reply to Robyn Gallagher,

    There are always going to be people who are genuinely distressed when a site changes its design, more due to the fact that it's changed, that it's different, not familiar, and they have to get to know it all over again.

    I was a regular on Fark when they rolled out what they thought was a relatively minor design change to the threads (basically tidying up the look of posts and threads a bit, and adding in some functionality that had previously only been available via 3rd party Firefox addons.)

    The outcry was immense, and completely disproportionate to the changes made, but things weren't helped when one of the admins posted "You'll get over it."

    Some folks are still bitter about that (though personally I found the whole thing funny.)

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some time last week, in reply to Russell Brown,

    he expressly didn’t take credit for was the Fail Whale

    Which is a good thing, since the Fail Whale was made by an artist called Yiying Lu, who had posted the image to iStockphoto and didn’t realise it had been picked up and used by Twitter.

    (I’m not sure of the more recent history of the Fail Whale and whether Twitter has ever paid Lu for its use, but given that I haven’t heard much about it in the last year or so, I’m guessing the answer is “Yes”.)

    Edit: From a more recent new story:

    Initially Lu felt dismayed that her illustration was being associated with failure. Lu, who has since removed her art from iStockphoto, was paid a small one-time licensing fee, but did not earn any royalties for its repeated use. She also found people copying it without her permission.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some time last week, in reply to giovanni tiso,

    Wait: Twitter has a creative director? What does he do?

    If the answer is "making up punn-y handles all day" I will be so jealous.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Elijah Wood tweeted a link a US-based website with 35 photos. I've seen most of them before on other sites, but they look to be much higher quality here.

    The pictures of the icebergs in particular emphasise the scale of what happened here, I think.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    Just heard that my cousin hasn't been heard from since the quake. I didn't even realise she was in Christchurch, but I'm holding off real worry until the missing persons list is released.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Up Front: Ups and Downs. And Side-to-Sides., in reply to Megan Wegan,

    It's great to hear that you're doing OK!

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to Sacha,

    It gets better every time I venture back.

    I don't understand how people can say libertarians lack empathy. I mean, she used words like "depressive". I can feel her pain from here.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

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