Posts by Hilary Stace

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  • Hard News: Just shoot me,

    Thanks Russell for the timely reminder. It's that informed consent thing. I am one of those guilty of talking and wrting about my son, but I do ask his permission each time. My daughter long ago taught me that children do not want to be singled out, for whatever reason, as it is very important to be seen as normal not special. But I am still so proud of them both as neither has had an easy life (and it is a mothers' privilege to be proud of her children).

    Interestingly, my son has a natural aversion to cameras and even though he goes to watch the filming of Back Benches most Wednesday nights, you will never see him on film.

    By the way Julie Myerson also talked about her family in her 2005 book 'Home' - the history of her Clapham house, and all the other people who ever lived in it..

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Holland Diaries, Pt 1,

    And, I should add, what of those children who are on the autism spectrum? I would be interested to know how you foster connection with those children who find it difficult to deal with the concepts of what we see as social ability.

    Jackie, good question. There are numerous interventions available, most without an evidence base and many that cost the family lots of money. And not enough of the best ones available free to those who need them.

    But I could be provocative and ask who wants to foster connection, and why?

    Kerry and Kyle, thanks for your art therapy comments. I understand from my daughter that the sort she does is process, not product based. So if there are any pictures to take home, that is incidental. The "therapeutic" part could be ripping up paper, or squishing clay, and the child doesn't have to talk at all if they don't want to.

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Two wallops of wonk, with a…,

    Arghhhh, no edit button, 9 day fortnight (or 4 day week or 3 and half week month or whatever). And who gets to choose what the day off will be or how you must spend it?

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Two wallops of wonk, with a…,

    Having the summit is fine for a discussion group of and for the powerful. But that group was making decisions for other people, not themselves. Probably none of the attendees will actually go on a 9 day week, face redundancy, have to front up to Work and Income, or ever need a food bank. They will probably continue to have jobs, assets, and most of all power, for the duration of the depression or whatever we call it.

    The real expertise in coping and addressing these issues, and therefore the innovative solutions, lies with those with the most experience of being powerless. So I would like to see a summit of disabled people, unemployed people, young people, immigrants and refugees, and those for whom English isn't a first language. Perhaps mix them with some front line Work and Income staff, public health nurses, teachers from low decile schools, budget advisors, voluntary agencies etc. Imagine the creative but effective ideas this could spark

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Holland Diaries, Pt 1,

    My daughter has just come back from Australia having finished her Masters in Art Therapy which means she is a qualified as a child and adolescent psychotherapist with a specialty in art (very useful for kids with behavioural issues, trauma, grief etc, also autism, ADHD). She would like to work in the public system but there are virtually no jobs for such people here.

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mediocrity Watch,

    Is it true that the more you are stung the less likely you are to get arthritis?

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Two wallops of wonk, with a…,

    they met a few days ago

    There was a bit of grumbling in the sector (including myself) that because there was only a tiny budget for this meeting, they could only invite 60 people from the hundreds who would have liked to attend. Which, on the positive side, shows a huge interest in having an effective and collegial sector.

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • Up Front: Absence of Malice,

    Steven - Is is possible to make an appointment to talk with the teacher about your concerns ?

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • Hard News: From soundbite to policy,

    Stephen - only just caught up with your interesting reference above. Thanks.

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    Re that Wallace Chapman talk-show hosted in the spa pool idea - I'm sure it has potential. He could still interview politicians if he really wanted to and it could be called "Speaker's Corner" or "Naked Politicians talk about their lies". My brother in law has a spa pool company - Sundance Spas I think it's called - and I'm sure would be interested in sponsorship.

    Wgtn • Since Jun 2008 • 3229 posts Report

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