Posts by kmont

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  • Hard News: Connecting the Box,


    That makes some sense </backing slowly out of techie thread>

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Connecting the Box,

    What is HD? Something Digital? DVBT? Help a sister out.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Connecting the Box,

    It was disappointing to see that a feature by Greer McDonald in Saturday's Dom Post made no mention of UHF Freeview as I think it will be the carrot that will attract the non-Sky-subscribing viewer (with the added attraction of HDTV broadcasts as well)

    Yes, I read that article. What is this UHF Freeview that you speak of? Is it possible to get Freeview without a satellite?

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Cracker: Kick it in the Butt (& Friday Links),

    Great Friday links. I think telling people you are quitting helps too ; )

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • The World's First Split Enz AMV,

    Cool, this is OnePiece I am guessing.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Highlight,

    Al Jaz is a welcome addition to our screens. Must get freeview, that has decided it.

    Good on these women for showing how it's done! The sheer pace of life in Asia is like a drug. Get your fix!

    BTW, does anyone under 35 understand the Selwyn Toogood reference ;)

    Yes Asia is like a drug, I loved the crazy madness and am still in withdrawl. The Selwyn Toogood thing, right over my head ; )

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    Hello Craig Young, I haven't had a chance to read your side of this yet because is blocked by the work filters. Interesting logic these work filters......
    I earlier mentioned "trawling bebo for dirt" which in light of the fact that you had complaints is a little unfair.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    Fancy you picking up on the "protean selves" part of that article Stephen, that also struck me as very pertinent, and not just to 14 year old boys.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    (if they have the good sense they were born with!)

    Nobody is born with good sense (or common sense). It is all learnt.

    For sure. I just like using that phrase at the moment, it sounds so stern and nana-like but I guess it distracts from my point. Social behaviour is taught and needs to be actively taught. My table manners could still use some work!
    In fact in that article I keep banging on about there is some interesting food for thought about this learning/socialisation. So here is some more:

    Enthusiasts of social networking argue that these sites are not merely entertaining; they also edify by teaching users about the rules of social space. As Danah Boyd, a graduate student studying social networks at the University of California, Berkeley, told the authors of MySpace Unraveled, social networking promotes “informal learning.... It’s where you learn social norms, rules, how to interact with others, narrative, personal and group history, and media literacy.” This is more a hopeful assertion than a proven fact, however. The question that isn’t asked is how the technology itself—the way it encourages us to present ourselves and interact—limits or imposes on that process of informal learning. All communities expect their members to internalize certain norms. Even individuals in the transient communities that form in public spaces obey these rules, for the most part; for example, patrons of libraries are expected to keep noise to a minimum. New technologies are challenging such norms—cell phones ring during church sermons; blaring televisions in doctors’ waiting rooms make it difficult to talk quietly—and new norms must develop to replace the old. What cues are young, avid social networkers learning about social space? What unspoken rules and communal norms have the millions of participants in these online social networks internalized, and how have these new norms influenced their behavior in the offline world?

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    500! Woot!

    I feel like skiving off work and having a drink to celebrate.

    That link was awesome, wasn't it? Seriously, everyone should go and read it and discuss it ; )

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

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