Posts by Richard Aston

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  • Up Front: A Real Character, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I always thought it was Cantonese, which I gather is much better for swearing and cussing

    Thats a whole other discussion, which language is best, or worst, for serious swearing and cussing.
    And what words in different languages are used as swear words . Lithuanians are keen on toads for example. And there are indigenous swear words threatened by imports.

    I have been make a part time study of curses - they can be more poetic that cussing and it surprises me as a English speaker how mild some seem .
    Turkish curse: May your shirt catch fire.
    Irish: The treatment of the boiled broken little fish to you
    WTF ?
    My favorite
    Chinese: May you get everything you wish for
    So subtle

    Lets have a swearing and cussing thread Russel !

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Review: Lana Del Rey, 'Born…,

    Sorry but I just don't get her ! If I just listen to the music it feels insipid
    Am I missing something?
    Flicked over to some snow patrol instead

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: 14 Pages of Democracy, in reply to Islander,

    So, where the fuck were the other million of us?
    Squatting at home, becoming further & further uninvolved?
    THIS is the part I cannot understand-

    Good point Islander - Graeme thanks for this its reassuring to read how carefully and considered the recount process was but taking Islander thought one step further it would be good to have a "recount" of all those who didn't vote. An attempt at least to shovel some understanding into what is it that motivates ( demotivates) people to not vote.

    I was up in the Hokianga on polling day helping out with a hangi - talking to a young mum afterwards as we watch the telly she said " who are the blue ones?" we talked further and i realised she had no understanding whatsoever about the election process, the parties, government , the lot. She loved her little son that's all she knew.

    And I didn't feel any judgement on her - got me to thinking what the F... does it all mean anyway, for while at least.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black,

    I dunno about that peacock - yeah I get the stuff around attraction , red sports cars etc
    but looking at that peacock for too long and I can feel an altered state coming on.
    Reckon he is some kind of wizard /tohunga

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Capture: City Scenes,


    One of my favorite pieces of graffiti just off dominion road Auckland.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black,

    Man that peacock is out there !
    Whoa... what on earth drives that kind of "Look at me!" display.

    I am anthropomorphising here but how would that go down in the human world ?

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Name That Food Blog, in reply to Islander,

    That is what I am thinking about-
    life/death boundaries, and our attempts to negotiate between/around/above

    And loss

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black, in reply to ChrisW,

    Porphyrio rivalry -
    Humph – eats like a pig, hogs all the attention – and just look at her! No dress sense and built like the back end of a bus!

    Love it Chris , got me laughing .
    I wonder what the Takahe is thinking about the Puke.
    " Bloody poofter, prancing around with that bit of white fluff on its arse, don't they realise there is some serious tucker hiding in this grass."

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black, in reply to Islander,

    Do you know about their family life? :)

    No but they do seem to have one - they do seem tribal to me at least. My old neighbor, an artist, recently planed to do a painting of the local pukeko tribe. He went out with his camera and noticed one of the pukeko chicks had been killed by a car. The rest of the tribe were really agitated. He put the chick's body on the grass verge and the "family" gathered around it in a circle , doing a slow dance around the body , dipping their heads towards it , went on for ages as he clicked away with his camera. The final painting looks great and sold really quickly.
    Now that's family life! Coming to terms with the boundaries between life, death and loss.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: It was a munted year, in reply to Samuel Scott,

    I mounted the munted mule.

    Was that a confession or an observation Sam ?

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

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