Posts by chris

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  • Hard News: Judicial caprice is no way to…, in reply to Brent Jackson,

    While what the prosecutor is effectively doing is deterring cannabis cultivators from reporting incidental crime.

    And the police did that

    fixed that for you.

    They had the option of a warning, confiscation and destruction.

    You’re implying the police should have let someone in possession of 22 oz of cannabis off with a warning, confiscation and destruction but that a prosecutor gunning for 3 years prison time for that offence is just doing her job. As far as policing the law goes I don't feel that the police have stepped too far outside their brief in this instance.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Judicial caprice is no way to…, in reply to David Tong,

    So, the prosecutor was talking about deterring other people from cultivating cannabis

    While what the prosecutor is effectively doing is deterring cannabis cultivators from reporting incidental crime.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sectarian Bloodlust 2.0, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    So I had a think about this, particularly the fact that there are 200 SIS monitoring 30-40 people, and they need new recruits because:

    Some of the material was so disturbing SIS agents required to view it for their job needed pastoral care.

    And far be it from me to give advice to the head of intelligence, but wouldn’t it be easier and more cost effective to simply recruit those 30-40 on the watch list in a way that will “not raise any red flags” with them, knowing full well that they do have the right stuff to view this material.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sectarian Bloodlust 2.0,

    Meanwhile the SIS working environment has become so toxic that they’ve had to resort to front page PR pieces on MSM sites in order to maintain recruitment levels while dealing with same number of suspects as a year ago.

    The Government says between 30 and 40 people are being actively watched. Kitteridge said numbers remained in that range.

    Spy boss Rebecca Kitteridge goes on a recruiting drive

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sectarian Bloodlust 2.0, in reply to chris,


    what I want to give is a small part of the truth shameful

    believe me that Muslims are good people and welcome all people
    and respect and help others

    but when it comes down to these crimes they become crazy and take revenge at any price
    because this is justice

    what Muslims want now especially Arab countries
    It is to get rid of traitorous governments that kill people

    yes you should know the truth and are looking for tell people I am and what Im saying is some of the history facts

    finally I want to give you a simple example look at these pictures
    father holds the body of his daughter there with no head
    because of blow aircraft

    what do you want to do of course he will take revenge
    of course he will fight
    of course he will blow himself up in enemy
    do not be surprised or to blow himself up in your country

    Perhaps Murray McCully could be using his time more wisely.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sectarian Bloodlust 2.0,

    I’ve online gamed alongside King89Solomon for almost 3 years now. When we first met his English was barely intelligible, but in the interim he has made significant progress. I’d never asked where he was from though I observed earlier this year that he speaks Arabic, and at some point following that he mentioned that he is an Iraqi. Although I was curious to know more of his experience and perspective I thought it best not to bring the topic up, but today I received an unsolicited message on the topic (please note – his link is not for the squeamish):

    Im busy writing my research I hope that I completed in two months

    I want to return to the home since more than a year and did not visit my family

    I am sad because we are being killed
    more than 60 allied countries to kill us

    there is no real media no truthful media

    they just keep say we are terrorism
    now any one defending their lands called a terrorist

    and that assaults us and steals resources called champion came with freedom

    they keeps marching aircraft to kill children and women

    on the battlefield are losing big losses
    but they are taking revenge by killing children and womens
    just see what are doing aircraft usa and allied countries
    this simple sample which happens every day in Iraq and Syria

    On receiving this I felt that it’s worth sharing on this platform as his voice would not ordinarily be heard here, I asked him for permission and he followed up with three further messages:


    you good friend and you are respected I trust you

    yes what I am saying is not people
    yes of course most do not want it
    what Im saying because of Governments

    we are in a world full of lies
    yes I just wanted to give you a small part of the truth

    you are also of course you give part of the truth to people who do not know anything

    they keep steal our money steal our wealth in the name of freedom and defeat terrorism

    now many of the allied nations to kill us led by USAand Britain and France
    Iran represented by Shiites
    imagine a Muslim Arab countries as well as
    Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Jordan and Qatar
    more than 60 countries

    we want to live in peace have to take our rights
    since more than 60 years and USA and the West of Europe
    kill and occupy Muslim countries

    here are all the people ask
    are Muslims killed millions of Indians or they


    you know that we are not talking about a weak us
    we win because God has promised that fighting for a great religion and for humans

    but they distort our image in the media….

    what we want is to live in peace and the region in peace
    what Muslims want is Caliphate this is achieved of course just be patient

    people in your countries many of them known that the Caliphate as something terrifying they will kill us they will occupy our lands

    but the Caliphate is the empire of Muslims gathered in peace and justice respect countries and live with them in peace

    but they do not want people to live in peace
    they continue to murder and carrying out Israel’s plans


    look at history
    why Muslims did not respect European countries not all ?

    because European they have since that time continue to kill and enslave human beings
    why Muslims defeated European countries for many years

    and why Muslims did not fight Asian countries such as the empires of China Japan and other
    why Muslims did not fight Latin American countries

    Because they are good and live in peace and respect and the rest of them were good relations

    only the history of the West and Muslim countries is full of blood and reason unknown

    For my own, I found this article We Built Their Death Squads: ISIS’s Bizarre Origin Story and it’s links paint a far fuller picture than the local media has presented us with.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we need to stop talking…, in reply to andin,

    What kind of livestock are we talking about here? Firstly I’d call the cops, I’d compensate everyone with a couple of ewes, buy a couple of rams and ewes for myself, then lend out the rams to everyone for a bit of the old breeding. I’d pay for the drenching and shot supplies for the community’s ewes in the meantime. I’d also set about teaching the community how to build their own shelters and suggest we work as a community to chop down trees and build beta shelters for everyone’s livestock, set up a neighbourhood watch group, brand or microchip all the new livestock and get folk into distributing seeds, cuttings and the essential rooting hormone so there’s always some horticulture for the community to fall back on should there be any more animal thieving. Wherever possible I’d encourage those with relevant expertise to lead the way.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we need to stop talking…, in reply to andin,

    not just K1W1’s But we dont have the stomach to look ourselves squarely in the eye. We’d rather fluff ourselves.

    The other day I was reading Rob Salmond’s post Buying a fight with democracy when I stumbled over the following:

    But it becomes a big deal for people with low levels of formal education, or recent migrants, or those concerned about what else the State might do with their statutory declaration.

    People in those groups (surprise, surprise) don’t tend to vote National.

    At the time I thought to query it but didn’t. Days later I noticed the
    Visualisation of NZ voters and parties
    . Do those stats for unqualified and migrant voters adhere that closely to this narrative?

    I’ve been led to believe there was a time when Labour were the left wing party. As I’ve attempted to learn and unravel the history of this country there have been many occasions when I’ve felt buoyed by Labour’s enviable achievements; the Kirk, the Savage. But recently and not without difficulty, I’ve reluctantly acquiesced to facing the reality that this great party, it’s vaunted magnanimousness, it’s progressiveness, it’s egalitarian and charitable ideals, it’s socialist manifesto -

    Not so much in my lifetime.

    Given the choice between the two mainstream neoliberal parties – it’s not difficult to understand why many folk would prefer the no frills.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Up Front: Not Uniform, in reply to ,

    there was all sorts of sexuality and gender identifications going on. Boys looked like girls, girls looked like boys and there where kid that looked like clowns.

    Which is fine when kids have confidence, parental support and aren’t living in provincial towns still stuck in the 1950s.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Speaker: House prices and the "Magic Money", in reply to David Hood,

    For sure David, my post was talking around the data and was specifically in response to Katherine’s as I’m not convinced the drivers could be attributed to a single demographic as much as they are a perfect storm of the many factors that contributors have mentioned. For example this:

    by people who live/work/earn/borrow and pay taxes offshore?

    Which may encompass a range of situations and some certainly don’t conveniently tick all those boxes. e.g. offshore based landlords paying NZ rental income tax.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

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