Posts by Ben Austin

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  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    Well Blair, Christchurch has always been described as a very English city, so it is only right London be consulted

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    I see that even bookcases now use the 'z' affectation when lolling. Damm these kids and their internet memes@,

    I guess it is good they are at least not wilfully falling over just for the lulz. Small mercies etc.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Islander, yes, I grew up a couple of kilometres to the north of that plaque and Scott Base. The plaque is a good place to pull in to answer the cell phone, with its parking bay.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    @Raymond. It certainly must be hard for you, as I take it you are on a holiday from N Otago/S Canterbury (45 degrees latitude?). I myself have sort of got used to being out of touch for this kind of thing being in London for a couple of years now.

    The English certainly have been pretty good about the earthquake, as it has got reasonable coverage over here in the media. I've had a lot of locals quiz me about it today

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Certainly Is rather an odd experience being across the world when something like this happens. I was walking along the south bank of the Thames after visiting the Brunel Museum when we heard the news, then there were some anxious moments as family checked in over the next Hour or so

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Warning: contains pieces of Apple,

    Nah, Winamp has old skool credibility. Just tell everyone you are still using version 2 or something

    I barely use iTunes now, although it is still my main music software organising programme on a computer. I have mainly used my various phones over the last couple of years for music playback as they have reached the good enough point.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sintax,

    Thanks Russell. Almost as soon as I asked I realised I had not looked that hard and there it was. On a side note having Google Listen and Last.FM on my phone has totally changed my listening habits as it almost gets me to the point where I have a personal radio station, without the need for a computer intermediary. Listen is not the best for searching new non Us feeds though

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sintax,

    Thanks for the link to the radio interview with Nutt.
    Anyone know if PA Radio has a RSS feed I can slot into Google Listen?

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Shambeerla at Beervana,

    I'd not heard of Beervana till a couple of days ago as it seems to have become popular since I've left Wellington. Looks pretty great though I must say

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: This is what we have to work with,

    The Heathrow Express was 15 pounds one-way last time I used it and it only got me to the western side of the centre. Not a lot of use for business types I would think.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

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