Posts by Stewart

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  • Seen Anything Good? Tales from the film…,

    The Scottish Thread

    Lovin' it...I won't go there, but this reference to it is primo.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Cracker: Home (Is Where I Want to Be),

    Auctions seem such a cop-out to me. It is as though neither the vendors nor the estate agents know enough to put a decent value on the property. If I was looking to buy I would be most reluctant to buy at auction because, as a member of the interested but essentially uneducated public, I too wouldn't really know the value of the property.

    And I tend to agree with earlier posts about the worth(?) of auctions when selling.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    And without dying, Kyle has gone to a better place .

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    @Emma, thanks for clearing up that little matter of what happens if/when you find you have clicked on one of the covert 'dodgy' links. At least one will know one has 'transgressed'.

    I wonder how often (or just how many times) one would have to transgress before being regarded as a possible suspect?

    [I am not an afficionado of dodgy websites, but nor am I keen on people being put under suspicion without knowing the parameters.]

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    I'm finding this all a wee bit worrying.
    If one clicks on a link and it leads to one of the covertly banned sites, and you knew nothing about the content of the site (maybe the link label looked innocent, or the source of the link was an otherwise trusted correspondent) and suddenly the DIA is logging your details without you even knowing about it. All you know is that the link doesn't seem to work.

    So you try it a couple more times, setting alarm bells jingling at the DIA before thinking "bloody link's rooted" and giving up. Unknown to you, the thought police® now have you fingered as a suspect despite the fact that you are blissfully innocent.

    I understand Sacha's point about the list, if published, becoming a menu for perverts but how can they consider (if indeed, they are considering) taking punitive action against someone on the basis of trying to access something that no-one has indicated is illegal/unsavoury?

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Pimpin' Ain't Easy,

    If I was a sports association and one of our elite prospects for Olympic consideration was arranging his own (legal) funding then why threaten him like this?

    Sure, they may have wanted him to tone down the publicity linking the sports body to the brothel, but it seems they have done the opposite and upped the publicity.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Pimpin' Ain't Easy,

    if I were a gentleman????

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    bebing = being, obv.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Because You Should Know,

    There's always creep. People just can't help themselves. "Oh, that's shocking/disgusting. Normal people* wouldn't object to not bebing able to access that...".

    * As in "normal people don't know about depraved shit like that..."

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Pimpin' Ain't Easy,

    Is he going to be a brothel owner who represents New Zealand at TKD or is he a TKD champ funded by a brothel?

    Is he going to be a business owner who represents New Zealand at TKD
    is he a TKD champ funded by a business?

    The business is legal - and the storm is in the teacup.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

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