Posts by recordari
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Hard News: That’s Entertainment!, in reply to
La Viaccia (1961)
with Claudia Cardinale & Jean Paul BelmondoYou leave me Breathless. Well, maybe it was the movie.
Up Front: Life on Mars, in reply to
Megan has blogged our experiences of wandering around Wellington in costume pre-SlutWalk, which was an interesting sociological experiment.
So she did.
Dear Megan
1) You made my cry.
2) Yes you freakin’ are.That is all.
J -
Hey, why stop when you’re on a roll.
For what might be considered obvious reasons, I love this track to bits. The video is ‘interesting’ however. Someone is posting King of America tunes on YouTube with random Black & White movies. Anyone know what this slightly risqué French offering is? Not that I’d be interested or anything. Just asking.
“Where you can’t keep you mind off/ the crimes of Paris…”
And here’s my other favourite, with another unidentified movie.
Up Front: Life on Mars, in reply to
Two points:
That’s a loose description. I counted at least 9. And I assume this is still not including Emma’s secret projectoring,
Excited much? Unwittingly even.
Oh look, we’ve made a Friday post last a whole week. Anyway, while we wait patiently (cough) for the next one, this has certainly been a good revival of all things Elvis Costello.
It’s a perfect, if a bit chilly, day in Auckland. Here’s one for the road.
Hard News: That’s Entertainment!, in reply to
I don’t know whether we should be proud.
As a regular concert goer I would say, hell yeah.
As a parent of three promising ‘hell-raisers’, I’m not so sure was pleasant enough.
It seems possible that if you looked up ‘damning with faint praise’ it would have this as an example, particularly when used to describe Iggy Pop. But yes, you are not the first to say this.
Hard News: That’s Entertainment!, in reply to
And then there was this, which should be read in the context of this.
That’s just so… rock ‘n’ roll. Being on Iggy’s hit-list is probably about as much street cred as is humanly possible.
Hard News: That’s Entertainment!, in reply to
A few of us took Iggy to The Cook Street Markets party in 1980
Amazing really. I still rate his first BDO appearance in 2006 (shit that seems unlikely!) as one of the best live shows I’ve seen. He ripped the space between audience and performer to shreds, and then filled it with water and had a bath in it. 26 years later!!
Didn’t hear much about this year’s BDO appearance. Oh right, I was there, hiding under the stand from the rain, and not being bothered to fight my way into the ‘D’.
Hard News: That’s Entertainment!, in reply to
I saw Sonic Youth encore with the opening chords of ‘I Wanna Be Your Dog’ and then IGGY CAME ON STAGE AND SANG IT.
Vids or it didn’t happen.
Apparently it did.
Bloody hell that’s awesome!!
Hard News: That’s Entertainment!, in reply to
Did I ever tell you about the time I saw Destiny’s Child at the Houston Rodeo for seventeen dollars? There was a flaming hoop involved.
No, funnily enough, you didn’t. That sort of street cred is impossible to falsify.
Was it the one where they did this?