Posts by kmont

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  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    I Know What You Mean About The Capitalisation! Self-Important Much?

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My patch: Chinese whispers…,

    Happy days! I found the post a mere couple of minutes after it had been posted. Great to read your writing.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    Anyone brought up the usurpation of `uninterested' by `disinterested' - makes this old pedant want to go postal...

    I also hate that and I don't consider myself that pedantic.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Get a Clue,

    If the internet was flooded with y'know... dozens at least... of people trashing on Zaoui, then that could be news.

    Well, umm there are a few more than dozens over at NZ Hearld. I think there are 38 pages worth of opinion on there. But of course my time is too valuable to trawl through it all ; )
    I would like to think that this is not news, but I fear that Russell and Robyn have a point.

    In context, what people are saying on the internet is news, in the same way that vox pops, polls and protests are news.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Get a Clue,

    I can visualise the awesome knitted tea cosys and anzac biscuits already.......

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Get a Clue,

    Yes, lets not tarr our "maternal ancestors" with the same brush as Kiwi blogger comment section types.
    My nana is very onto it.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Get a Clue,

    Ha ha, shades of

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Free Man,

    Well, I do like being called Monty so I might quit the name calling and head off into the weekend. Yay.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Free Man,

    Richie you are a moron, also I thought my spelling was bad.....

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Free Man,

    I'd imagine Mrs Zaoui and the kids would be the last thing on Ahmeds mind actually Russell...not sure exactly what lefty bloomers hitting the deck sounds like but I'm betting there will be a few despite what the Koran says...I can't believe how naive you are!

    I know I shouldn't bite but WTF?
    Don't you have anything interesting or intelligent to add?

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

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