Posts by Amy Gale

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  • Up Front: Will Work for Foo,

    I've been boggled by the way that people who live in a country that contains different time-zones can be so unable to handle the idea of people living in different time-zones.

    It's entirely possible that they don't even really handle the concept of timezones within the country and get confused every time the TV announcer says that a show is on at "8/7 Central". Perhaps they think that TV announcers have special names for numbers, in the manner of bingo callers.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    Or I might forget I'm not in the living room, get me kit off and start twirling around in my undies.

    GIF! GIF!

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    But mostly the reason you like coffee is because you got older and lost the ability to taste all the bad flavours. See there are advantages to getting older.

    I think this must interact at least a little with the findings that suggest that people learn to tolerate/enjoy pretty much any food if they are presented with it enough times. My sister and I were fed olives - not to mention whole coffee beans out of the grinder - from a young age and thought they were just fab.

    (This must surely be fairly typical in Mediterranean cultures, for that matter? The olive bit, at least.)

    An I turn' out jush fiyn...

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    Randomly picking a thread to derail, we have a new Doctor.

    Oh, poo, I wanted Paterson Joseph.

    But I'll get over it, just like I got over it when Monk lost Sharona.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Up Front: Absence of Malice,

    I've had a lingering belief in the power of silly ditties in memory ever since a 1989 Economic Studies test in which my friend and I conferred afterwards to check we'd got the same on the multi choice section.

    Piano teacher, c.1982: Five Cats Got Drowned At Evans Bay

    PE (!) teacher, 1985 (years before actually needed): Harry HE LIkes BEer By Cupfuls Not Over Flowing

    Not to mention speech teacher, c.1980: Jabberwocky (the ultimate silly ditty).

    Seared. In. But can I remember where I put my car keys?

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Up Front: Absence of Malice,

    I cheated once in a test in form two. I happened to catch a glimpse of my neighbour's paper. His answer was different to mine and I thought he know more about the subject than me so I changed my answer. Turns out my original answer was correct all along.

    OMG totally snap, down to the "form two" and the "only time I have ever".

    (Except my neighbour was a "she, girls' schools being what they are.)

    The subject, even the question, are seared into my brain forever.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    I miss tuis and pohutukawas and summer berries and cases of Lindauer and going to lie outside in the sun after Christmas lunch with a book and a g&t and a handful of Roses chocolates.

    I did end up with some people to cook for, though. I made:

    little toasts with cream cheese&salmon
    vols-au-vent with goat cheese&spring onion mousse
    roast potatoes
    roast sweet potatoes
    stuffin' muffins
    Quorn Turk'y
    onion gravy
    steamed ginger pudding with caramel-date sauce
    candy canes
    chocolate coated cherries
    chocolate-toffee almonds
    chocolate-dipped pretzels

    (oh, ok, I didn't make my own little toasts.)

    If you listen very carefully, you can hear my pancreas begging for mercy.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Southerly: Another One for the Kids,

    Cutest otter ever ever ever is here.

    Safe for work, although not safe for your street cred at work.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    I'm a bit sad this year because I don't have anyone to go overboard cooking for. Where are all the proxy nephews and nieces I was promised?

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Up Front: Absence of Malice,

    The knife method tends to damage the somewhat inaccurately named non-stick variety of cookware.

    (drifting further and further off course...)

    I agree, but recommend ditching your nonstick over ditching the knife method. Demote the old nonstick swiss roll/cookie pan(s) to cleaning/gardening uses and pick up some standard half-sheet pans from a restaurant supply store.

    * they are lighter-colored -> fewer burned biscuit bottoms
    * they are heavier -> less warping
    * they are not at all expensive
    * they stand up to knives, steelo pads, and high temperatures
    * bits of nonstick will not flake off into your food
    * you don't need to worry about the truth/applicability of those stories about budgie-killing nonstick fumes
    * because the size is standardized, your other kitchen paraphernalia - eg silpats - will fit them well (this is especially true if your other kitchen paraphernalia is also from the restaurant supply store)

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

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