Posts by philipmatthews

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  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Gordon Campbell at Scoop and Colin Espiner at Stuff had very good columns on this debacle-in-the-making too.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Cracker: Go Figure,

    I'm a recent Coro St re-convert, having not watched it since Minnie Caldwell and Ena Sharples left the snug

    Agreed, although the bit about Minnie and Ena doesn't apply in my case. But Coro is, er, rocking at the moment. In Tony Gordon, we have that great thing: a villain you feel sorry for (I think Jane Clifton in the Dom Post said that).

    Had Freeview the past few months. Have enjoyed seeing Media 7 and The Good Word life size rather than on a computer screen, but last night's Good Word might have had one of the great Kiwi anti-intellectual clangers. In a report from a suburban book group, some guy complains that the worst book they ever had to read was "about the architecture of European train stations with sentences that went on for two or three pages".

    Er, that would be Austerlitz by WG Sebald. Confirms all my suspicions about book clubs, really.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    Just caught tonight's Campbell Live. A smart and warmly human tribute to Pauly Fuemana. Obviously took a lot of work, dedication and ability to win trust. Good stuff.

    Don't get into the comments though. Makes the Herald's Your Views read like the New York Review of Books.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    Oh yes, you've dredged that up from my memory. Insightful interviews on important subjects...

    But that's not a list of Campbell's interviews, George.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Random Play: Pauly Fuemana: How . . . sad,

    Very touching. By the end of your piece I was thinking of that quote from J D Salinger that has circulated in the past few days. The story is that in 1984, Ian Hamilton approached Salinger with the intention of writing his biography. Salinger turned him down, saying he had "borne all the exploitation and loss of privacy I can possibly bear in a single lifetime."

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    Stroke gets a 8.2 from Pitchfork. They don't fault much apart from, well ...:

    It's a bit of a bummer that MOR singer Boh Runga gets Knox's beloved "Not Given Lightly", especially considering Pearl Jam covered it well on tour in New Zealand last November and could have provided this comp yet another ringer, but her heart is in the right place.

    Review here:

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Cracker: Bare Breasts Key for Important…,

    Unfair. They had good stories on the cyclist wars in Chch, the power outage in Auckland, Robin Brooke and the dog massacre. So the HoS characterises their week like this:

    on a diet of bare breasts and big American cars.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    I'm not sure to what extent the axe was a real possibility -- although, like everyone else, I certainly heard the speculation late last year.

    What my anonymous source tells me is that the programme isn't under any kind of ultimatum and Audsley thinks he can make it a winner.

    I think it's beaten Close Up every night this week. So yes, rumours of Campbell Live's demise seem to be somewhat exaggerated.

    All good news. Glad it was just alleged axe ...

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    Of norks and news hours ...

    There already appears to be a lot more fight in the show this year than last, when it seemed to run one soft human interest story lifted from a provincial paper after another and too many bromance appearances from Rove. Nothing like the threat of the axe to sharpen one's thoughts, obviously. Interesting to see they sent Campbell himself up to the dog people in Warkworth yesterday and I imagine we'll see a lot more of him as a reporter this year. Which is a good thing. I also want to see more of his ferocious interviews but I suspect there's a balance -- some viewers apparently find that kind of aggression a turn-off.

    In any event, it's a lot better than another fumbling Sainsbury interview and those dreadful, gushing Dominic Bowden celebrity pieces on Close Up.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    I want to read books on it.

    This is the part I'm interested in. Why read books on this and not actual books? The newspaper part I understand. iPods, ditto. I'm not trolling or trying to start an argument, just curious. Sorry if it seems unenlightened.

    Can you loan a book you download? Can you resell it?

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

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