Posts by dc_red

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  • Hard News: Need to Know,

    I'm interested to know what it would take to shake the unbending faith that the author and a large number of the readers of this blog have in Helen Clark?
    As reported in the Herald today, "Mr Glenn said by February this year the Prime Minister was fully aware of his donation to Winston Peters."

    Well, Rik, perhaps because (a) Winston Peters steadfastly and unflinchingly denied the donation existed; (b) there was no hard evidence either way; (c) accusing the leader of another party who is also one of your Minister of being a big fat liar in the absence of (b) is unacceptable; and (d) the point that Rachel P. makes above.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Need to Know,

    Does anyone else have a sneaking suspicion that Ron Mark will be the leader of NZF by the end of the week?

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Need to Know,

    Owen Glenn on 9-to-Noon this morning said something to the effect that he had never met anyone from the Maori party, never talked to anyone from the Maori party, and most certainly never offered money to said party. He was unequivocal.

    But then, Winston Peters has been too.


    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: A plot point is reached,

    Sofie - having applied for one of these consents myself, one of the first requirements is gaining the approval of affected neighbours. I take it this didn't happen?

    I assume this provision applies in Akld City as much as in Waitakere.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Up Front: Young and Sort of Free,

    Dude, it's medicinal!

    That it may be ... but very few prescriptions for medical marijuana have been issued in Canada (about 3000 at last count).

    Now California on the other hand...

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Up Front: Young and Sort of Free,

    For those curious about topless stoned lesbian weddings in Canada, I can assure you that while lesbian weddings are legally recognized, and toplessness is legal (whilst still rare amongst women in public), cannabis remains prohibited.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Island Life: Off the top of my head.,

    Muldoon's "It doethn't leath my opponenths muth time, doeth it?" was memorable less for its rhetorical power than the manner in which it was pronounced.

    Lange was the best though (and unlike any of the current mob, occasionally spoke his mind about the idiocy of the United States). But my two favourites were:

    "He's gone around the country stirring up apathy." (about Bolger)

    "I've changed my mind!" (responding to Palmer's effusive praise upon Lange's resignation as PM).

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Island Life: Off the top of my head.,

    My favourite political rhetoric of recent years: Mark Latham's likening of Howard's government to "a conga line of suckholes."

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    That'd be 16 teams, Leggie ... unless you're deliberated omitting the Bulldogs?

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Weekend Warriors,

    Given the title of this post, RB, a brief nod in the direction of the Warriors, and their achievement this last weekend, might have been in order!? ;-)

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

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