Posts by David Hood
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Argh! Travelling for work so I can’t argue through the medium of graphs (thanks for the plots Ben).
But I do want to take issue with the opening statement around 1/3 left 1/3 right and the middle deciding the election. That is absolutely only the case if the voting population, which is not the same as the electoral roll population, vote in similar proportions to the electoral roll population. In a time of 76% turnout, heavily biased by age, it is fundamentally the people that vote that decide the election, and the winning block margin is something like 38.1% of the total roll voters.
It sounds like New Zealand was giving in on Pharmac and I.P controls and everything else and in return was offered a reduction in dairy access.
The latest Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comic.
I am unhappy with the governments negotiations in the TPP. What is the going rate on the government purchasing my ill-defined intellectual property?
While it is probably not of interest to most people, the record of making it is here
OnPoint: My last name sounds Chinese, in reply to
It is the fine print URL down the very bottom -
In the weekend I made this for a course assignment (make a network graph from data of your choosing). It is showing the country/region that is the major source of immigration of each country in the world in 2013 from UN migration data. Great Britain is the major source of New Zealand migrants, New Zealand is the major source of migrants to the Cooks.
This crossed my reading list and I thought it might be of interest, even though we don’t use electronic voting machines
GV is based on the QV total value (it is the individual values). The revaluation of an existing house is a symptom of the growth, but the house doing nothing was not the cause. the cause is actual sales events. So where Katherine was worrying it was that proportion of the housing stock, that is not likely at all, as it is only sales events (which can happen several times to a particular house) that cause the increase.