Posts by Sacha
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Hard News: Metiria’s Problem, in reply to
You can proclaim all you like that “it was always going to be about her” but that is just accepting the Garners and Gowers as normal and right.
‘Normal’ yes, right no. The parlous current state of our political media was a known quantity before this whole palaver started.
“Metiria Turei’s benefit fraud revelation was an act of political cannibalism that backfired both for her and the centre-left, writes Bernard Hickey”
Hard News: Metiria’s Problem, in reply to
I was taken aback that the Green Party so quickly painted these two MPs as lazy unprincipled time servers.
Yes, I hope their general manager got a telling off about talking out of line too.
Hard News: Metiria’s Problem, in reply to
As a Green party member, I’m seriously pissed off by the way this disagreement has been made public. I suspect that the leadership decided to call the two MP’s bluff, and it backfired.
James Shaw interrogated by Guyon Espiner about the internal process (12min audio).
Hard News: Metiria’s Problem, in reply to
I hope the two guys will publicise their views of the situation.
RNZ interview yesterday (4 min video).
Hard News: Metiria’s Problem, in reply to
I am just so sad at our msm for making the story about Metiria as opposed to the utterly oppressive benefit regime.
That was always going to happen. Party strategic comms people and leadership should have known that.
Hard News: The new establishment, in reply to
Unlike the trusting citizenry whose submissions, given for no reward, were supposedly what Share an Idea was all about.
Yet Chch voted this govt back in. Twice.
Hard News: The new establishment, in reply to
Share an Idea was a world-leading piece of civic engagement. Not every part of that Council was incompetent. Makes Brownlee’s utter betrayal of the initiative even worse.
Hard News: The new establishment, in reply to
The Share an Idea initiative, set up to foster a sense of public participation in post-quake Christchurch, was never anything other than a deliberate and contrived hoax.
The Council acted in good faith in conducting it; Brownlee and chums shat all over that by ignoring it thereafter.
Hard News: The new establishment, in reply to
It’s not an either-or.