Posts by DexterX

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  • Hard News: It's not funny because it's…,

    The most not funny jokes have to be the Pacific Rim free trade agreement with the US dictating NZ Law and the Judge to hear the Dot Com extradition stepping aside.

    at last week's NetHui conference, Judge Harvey cited a tweet by journalist Russell Brown: "We have met the enemy and he is [the] US."

    That referred to a quote by American cartoonist Walt Kelly - "We have met the enemy and he is us" - in an argument over international copyright. - NZ Newswire 18/07/2012

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: It's not funny because it's…,

    This is what the big guy really wanted to say and how he wanted to say it:

    Is that Lockwood Smith playing the pink pasiley telecaster at 1.18 or thereabouts - worth a look.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Field Theory: JK is back,

    JK as an Auckland Rep and AB possessed a cast iron determination, in his time with the Warriors he was the top try scorer.

    Auckland in a number of games didn't lose by much - I am sure they will rebound well next season provided JK gets an environment that supports the training of a winning team.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Pants != Journalism,

    I think the photos is bad - can't really see the discos pants or the choice of footwear - platforms perhaps.

    Laura McQuillan's was asked to leave - it would have been interesting to see what would have transpired if she had stayed. Perhyaps the family asked as they may have felt it affronting.

    Courtrooms during serious criminal cases (murder trails, serious assaults, rape) are by nature of their function a particularly solemn and serious place, a place where it is not suitable to wear clothes that are visually distracting, dazzling or garish.

    The Judge if, he directed the registrar or deputy registrar to ask McQuillan to leave was likely seeking to preserve a sense of solemnity having regard to the dignity owed to the family of the murder victim and murder accused during proceedings.

    Perhaps for the next serious criminal proceedings McQuillan covers she can go as Smurfette, a Mermaid, A Valley Girl or wear fairy wings and in this way McQuillan can blaze a new trail in ummmmm whatever..........

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: If wishing made it so ..., in reply to BenWilson,

    the ideological power running the privatization drive was far to strong.

    Never underestimate the power of stupidity.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: The frustrating politics of…, in reply to chris,

    I don't feel under legalisation that this would be a realistic outcome.

    Personally I feel that change should accommodate the right of adults to grow a minimal number of plants. Growers by necessity self educate, it would wipe $800million off the black market in one fell swoop,

    The market for dope would still exist - though under decriminalisation for home growing and personal use the market may be slightly reduced for a time until smokers realised that for a quantity and quality of supply they need to rely on the market.

    Conasidering all things Dope - Bill English comments on Drug testing for Benefs

    I have to agree with Hone Harawira - Random alcohol and drug testing for ministers attending cabinet meetings and for members going to and from the chamber.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Strange days for journalism,

    It is a little weird (though not untypical) when TV3 fulfils the "role" that one would consider should be undertaken by a state broadcaster to assume.

    NZ is a strange place.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: If wishing made it so ..., in reply to Matthew Poole,

    You're onto it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: If wishing made it so ...,

    A more detailed action plan will be released in the coming weeks.

    Is the answer to everything.

    Having gone over the:
    Reducing Long Term Welfare Dependence
    Supporting Vulnerable Chidlren
    Boosting Skills and Employment
    Reducing Crime (Measured and reported not actuall)

    I note that these are all areas that show the adverse nature of a economy in decline (and hollowed out).

    Big issues that are missed are the departure of (largely skilled)workforce to Australia, the aging workforce, the low level of wages, providing stimulus to the NZ Domestic Economy (outside of Christchurch once that kicks in), taxation reform needed (which should not include CGT) address a declining tax take - reversing tax cuts and spreading the burden a good place to start.

    The "Better Whatever" approach appears as a "Wish List" generated by the same software management tool using a similar template - everything ends(begins) with

    A more detailed action plan will be released in the coming weeks.

    Weeks can and do stretch out for years.

    Both Labour and National are disconnected from reality – the difference is that National beat up the disadvantaged and make poverty something that is personally blameworthy - something one wills on oneself.

    There is no leadership - My view(or wish) is the domestic economy has contracted to the point where the only way left is up and matters will improve from "here" as a result of people giving up looking for leadership/stimulus from this government as they get on with doing what they need to do and making the decisions they need to make in their own lives.

    The seeds of recovery I see are based on

    A more detailed action plan will be released in the coming weeks.

    not becoming a contraction of fiscal policy. I note the last recovery was killed of by the GST increases - it has been that long.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: If wishing made it so ..., in reply to Steve Barnes,

    Government interference that let the company work on the scheme despite failing to win the main contract.

    Was that just before an election - and I ask was a donation drawn into the surrounding ambience or part of the environment, which allowed this?

    That is the political process - after all - regardless of which side of the fence one sits.

    As it stands today NZ Bus/Snapper have 157 days to convert 650 buses over to whatever it is "going to be"- that is say 5 buses a day up until the 30th of Nov. One would expect everything in place a month before the deadline rolls around.

    The problem arises from NZ Bus/Snapper not looking like they are even anywhere near ready or even looking at starting.

    It is not something that Gerry Brownlee has created. I support his response - that if NZ Bus/Snapper is not ready by the deadline 30 Nov the subsidies they receive are in jeopardy.

    The core of the problem is that NZ Bus/Snapper developed a successful program that worked well in Wellington - Auckland accepted something else, the French Solution, under their tender process and that despite this outcome Snapper/NZ Bus was given the encouragement to go ahead and introduce snapper to their Auckland Fleet. That is just daft.

    It is not going to end well – it will develop into a Mexican stand off - where the bus patron/ratepayer taxpayer is left tied prostrate over a barrel and rogered hard by all players.

    The custom of Nz Govt/Council/Super City is to turn a position of strength into one of weakness. The nightmare for all seasons.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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