Posts by Emma Hart

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  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    I seem to remember (Robbery ,you may need to correct me;-) that the 'lion man' celebrity that Bridget Saunders talks about (back 10 or so pages) denied, went to court, denied, fined $8000, keeps job.

    From Wikipedia (because I couldn't remember either)

    Craig had a previous conviction in 1991 for assaulting a female, for which he received a periodic detention. In 2005, Busch was convicted for assaulting his former partner, Karen Greybrook, who received a lumbar fracture, bruising and a cut head during the assault[1], which occurred when Busch discovered Greybrook in bed with another couple in January 2005[3], who stated things were not as they seemed[4]. In May 2005, Busch plead guilty to two charges of assault, and six other charges were dropped[3], and he was ordered to pay Karen $8,000 in reparations, but received no other sanctions

    The pervading stench around that one was that he'd caught her in flagrante, and her adultery made his actions 'understandable'.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Pope, the Veitch, his…,

    Coals to Newcastle ...

    Ooo, burn!

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Southerly: A Trip to Canberra with Alan Bollard,

    Hey! Some of us live perilously close to Kelston, you know!

    Ah yes, Kelston Perilous...

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    Pussy is worse than cunt.

    That possibly depends on who you're talking to.

    Indeed. I have an English friend who finds 'twat' much more offensive than either of those, while I find just the sound of the word sort of silly and amusing.

    Emma - just in case you find yourself picking a fight with some Mongrel Mob-type one day... Pussy is worse than cunt.

    61s down my way, dude. Suffice it to say I've done my fair share of time in gang houses. I've heard both used jokingly, affectionately, and both used offensively. The tone and circumstance seems to matter more than the word.

    I think you are right about there being an aspect of just sexuality in it.

    Thinking on this harder, I think it's not so much sexuality in and of itself, but sexuality (natural, enjoyable) portrayed as something dirty, degrading and disgusting.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    the number of people finding us on pr0n searches actually seems to have fallen away

    I'll get right on that.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    they are both a form of loathing of the passive sexual position

    I guess that goes back to Roman practice, where age gender and social status combine to dictate what kind of sexual roles are allowable for a person.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    And screwing somebody means getting your way, whereas getting screwed quite the opposite.

    giovanni, that sounds like you're implying that women get screwed, and men screw. That women are passive sexually. That's not really an idea I can get on board with. In a lesbian relationship, who's doing the screwing.

    although being a dick is not quite as bad as being a cunt

    Agreed. Being a pussy isn't as bad as being a cunt, either.

    Once again, discourse doing wonders for Russell's google hits...

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    because people use references to things female in the majority of put down words. Bitch, tit etc. The ones about men tend to refer to their mother hence the ever popular "mother"f"er and son of a bitch. Some things haven't changed much in mumble mumble years.

    Whereas cock, dickhead, bollocks, balls, etc are all compliments, right? Would it not be possible to consider, just for a minute, that it's the sexual element that makes 'cunt' a put-down, not the gender one?

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Pope, the Veitch, his…,

    What that says about either city, is anyone's guess.

    Dear Auckland,

    Plz do not send us all your munters. Kthnxbai.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    CRAIG:What the FUUUUUCK!!! You are a fucking arrogant bastard. How dare you have a different opinion to me! ARSEHOLE!! Fuckwit. Piss OFF!!!

    (Craig: I was trying to reach the bar that you set. How well did I do???)

    Well, you gave me the impression that you've never read anything Craig's written.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

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