Posts by dyan campbell

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  • Hard News: Official Information,

    Dyan, like this?

    Ohmigod, Emma, yes, exactly like that, except Cheem (as he was known for short) was mainly white with tortoise shell splodges. As someone once observed "no matter how weird your cat is, not matter how bizarre their behaviour or habits, somewhere, some other cat in the world is doing exactly the same thing.

    Just one question: did that black and white kitty ever lose the back paw fights?

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Hard News: Official Information,

    Thanks for those Leo, especially the cat clip. Your eye for good cat comedy is deeply appreciated.

    The cat with the bag on its head is gold. I like that after a while the cat seems to have decided that since the bag isn't coming off, he's just going to enjoy having on for a while.

    I love how the cat gets the bag off and then decides to put it back on.

    We used to have a cat named Chimo who would have fights with his own back paws, around the posts of the chair-back. He often lost, and would fall right off the chair after kicking himself in the face with his back paws.

    Another game could only be played between 3:00 and 4:00am. He would start running upside down under your bed clinging to the mattress from the underside, running in crazy circles. When you'd reach under the bed to pull him out, he'd rip your hand to shreds. Ah, cat humour.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Up Front: Keeping it Weird: A Night Out…,

    Cheers for that Emma! And I will echo Judi and Fletcher, in that Bob-the-Baby's Dad has some serious competition here, and that you made me laugh hard enough that it took me longer to read than it should have.

    Though Christchurch sounds a bit like stories I've heard of Timaru...

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • What do you want them to play at your funeral?,

    and won an academy award for best song

    Oh, in 1934 I meant to say.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • What do you want them to play at your funeral?,

    There is a very recent version by Jolie Holland, on "The Living and the Dead" (2008). She laughs a lot.
    Jeez--how long has this been going on?

    It used to be called "The Continental Song" and was written by Carl Sigman and lyrics by Herb Magidson, and won an academy award for best song in Fred Astaire and Ginger Roger's film "The Gay Divorcee".

    It got re-named "Enjoy Yourself (It's Later than you think) mainly because that's what everyone called it. It was a hit again, when recorded by Con Conrad, during the war years (or maybe a bit before) but became a huge hit when recorded by Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians, in 1949.

    I can't believe I know all that.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Hard News: Onwards and upwards,

    rising castrato squeak of gloating indignation has been a convention of NZ breakfast jocks since the early 60s.

    Joe this is a beautiful and amusingly accurate phrase that captures exactly why Lisa thought Paul Henry was pretending to be Uncle Arthur from Bewitched.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • What do you want them to play at your funeral?,

    Dyan, your Dad might also need to know what a chav is to get the other half of the joke.

    Thanks for that, Sacha, he would not know what that was.

    Though I think the age of the guys alone will be enough to crack him up - if you were over 24 or 25 in the crew, you got nicknamed Granpappy. My Mum said he shaved once a week when she met him.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Hard News: Onwards and upwards,

    transgressive behaviour releases some fascinating corrective impulses - from women as well as men. Childish Paul Henry needs a good shrink - in his own time, not on screen.

    I think you're right about this - it's prompted by the same impulses as homophobia: discomfort about one's own sexual identity.

    The hilarious thing about Paul Henry's role in all of this is that the last time I saw him on air (at an airport, as someone guessed this show might be seen) my American friend Lisa (who was seeing him for the first time) looked puzzled and asked "why would a NZer in this day and age would be doing an imitation of Paul Lynde?" Paul Lynde played kittenish Uncle Arthur on the 1960s sitcom Bewitched.

    Paul Lynde/Uncle Arthur was campily and gay, and sure enough, his speech pattern is eerily similar to Paul Henry's. He even punctuated his bitchy comments and double entendres with "mmmmm" and "oh dear" just the way Paul Henry does.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • What do you want them to play at your funeral?,

    Thanks for posting that Sacha, I had relatives in the RCAF during the war - my Dad was a navigator on the bombers, my Mum was a wireless operator, and my uncle Kenneth was a wing commander. I will pass the sketch on to my Dad (the only one still alive). Cheers for that!

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • What do you want them to play at your funeral?,

    The time is... later than you think.

    Heh, this reminds me of my Dad's descriptions of being a teenaged airman stationed in England during the war; in the mess the RCAF were forever playing that Con Conrad song Enjoy Yourself (It's Later Than You Think)

    ... which always made him feel like they were trying to tell them something... and made him even more high strung and anorexic than he already was...

    The song was later made even more famous by Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians, but in the 40s the Con Conrad version was the one everyone knew.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

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