Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: Idiotic and lamentable behaviour,

    Quick kish me I'm iWish
    (I normally give up the drink for lent - bloody St Paddys in the middle of lent).

    Poor old Mayor Garry Moore in CHCH is shadow boxing like a tormented drunk everyone taps on the shoulder he comes out with a wildly inaccurate right hook.

    Bob Parker ran for Mayor a term earlier than they had agreed. So now it's Bob Parker v Dr Megan Wood. Personality v Substance.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,


    Remove the subjective element of maltreatment.
    "It was an accident X fell down the stairs" might work in some quarters and so not be recorded as maltreatment.

    I haven't looked at Beckett's book & am quite happy to rely on the data I have linked to (as imperfect as it is).

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    This was the "Thought for the day" on the Lincoln University website today.

    "It is better to sit down than to stand, it is better to lie down than to sit, but death is the best of all"

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    I'm not sure what country you're talking about but here's a link to UNESCO

    Iceland had 3 under 5yr deaths per 1000
    Finland, Norway, Sweden had 4 & Denmark 5.

    All pretty close and the best in the world.
    Laws generally reflect the society so even if they allow smaking in a few of these countries social pressures will be present to reduce it's impact (so to speak).
    NZ had 6 u/5yr deaths per 1000.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    Is anyone else a little uneasy that only women are victims of domestic violence under the hospital questions?
    TV3 reported 16-65yr old women wud be asked if they get the bash.
    I'm sure this is the bulk of the prob (but I have no stats).
    Why are over 65s not asked? They're not valid? Why not guys?
    Are lesbians exempt?
    As this follows the assumption that only blokes hit.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    Being somewhat polar opposite to FF I must commend them on their collection of articles on the issues.

    Held up as attacking the Family but I wonder if the amassed articles might have an impact on a few?

    Gore does have a great little community art scene, a pretty homogenious population & a less is more style of conversation.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    "At primary school, there was a Bad Girl in my class called Sharie "

    Ahh the joys of labeling kids as Bad.

    I got 10 of the best in primer 1 (I still cringe at my actions at 5yrs old - but the play ground had stones on it - what are ya gonna do).

    Mrs Cook decided life would be easier for me right handed. Her ruler increased my reflexes no end.

    Ironically there was no corporal punishment in the Army but the memory stick was an unoffical reminder.

    Is anyone aware of a movement against verbal violence?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Child Abuse?,

    Untied Future having a go at Maori Bashing this time.

    Due to crimes associated with ethnicity all rich white guys shud be barred from the bar, the bank, real estate, property developement, oh and yeah Parliment.

    I didn't think Ohariu-Belmont had that many red-necks, must be senesing NZ Fist are weak at the moment and going for wider appeal or end up on the Dunne heap at the next election.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Radiation: Back to the 80s,

    Shit I'm still trying to get over TV1 Sex Slave Doco last night.
    God knows how I didn't burst into tears - it was ugly.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Public health: the new terror…,

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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