Posts by Kerry Weston

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  • Up Front: Young and Sort of Free,

    I'd be curious to know how other PA posters guide, control, censor their kids' internet experiences - and tv/movies, come to that. i suspect Ive been rather lax, in some people's eyes. My youngest son was 10 when we got a computer, we've never had filtering. They know I can track where they've been and would do random checks. For pre-teens, they simply wouldn't have internet access in my house.

    Basically, I've tried to get across that there is a huge scale of possibilities and where offensive/dangerous begins varies according to the viewer/reader. They've had my own values demonstrated of course - like turning off particularly gross episodes of nip/tuck, or mutterings of "we don't need to see that" over whatever I feel is unnecessary. They bring those values to their experiences. I don't have or watch porn, violent blah etc, but I have painted naked bods and they're up on the walls.

    I simply do not believe that censorship or any form of pretending the world is different to what it is helps prepare them for dealing with reality. I teach them discrimination by example and discussion. And, hey, if they really want to see something, they'd just go to someone else's house on the quiet - can't control what other people do.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Island Life: Too True To Be Good,

    but the point of a gun was the only law Liberty understood
    when it came to shooting straight and fast
    a-he was mighty goood....

    gee, thanks for getting __that__tune playing remorselessly in ma head.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Us,

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Spiral of Events,

    Who was Pancho Villa then? See, I've been so impressed with Craig's literary recall, i took it as fact. :)

    Can this help you Kerry? Gotta keep your eye on Mr Ranapia:-)

    Thanks, Sofie :) I looked him up on wiki and wondered if he inspired Zorro (my hero) but no. I do enjoy Arturo Perez Reverte though

    Hope that link worked (wiki), his Queen of the South and Dumas -inspired novels are great.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Spiral of Events,

    Who was Pancho Villa then? See, I've been so impressed with Craig's literary recall, i took it as fact. :)

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Spiral of Events,

    So has anyone figured out what Owen Glenn is all about? Seems to have plenty of money to throw around, a bad memory and fancies a title - is that it?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Island Life: He lied to us all,

    a dead metaphor, dangling referent-free in the linguistic breeze.

    Post-election Winston?

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Innocent Sleep,

    Oh, and just think of the outfits, Danielle...something spesh for lunch dates, matching jackets and hats for a walk in the park, matching painted toenails. ..

    I've tried to convince our cat to wear a balaclava when he's out on his raiding missions, but he's not buying into it.

    You could just clip the big dogs - patterns, a few streaks - a tattoo??

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Joys of Unclehood,

    Shows how ahead of her time my mother was - back in the day she wrote to someone (either TVNZ or KFC, I can't recall) making exactly that point about that advertisment.

    Ha! My very first letter of complaint *nay, outrage* was written to whatever passed for the TV Guide (TV Weekly?) to complain about all the *mean* things they did to Lassie. Poor old Lassie had just missed being splattered by a train, rescuing somebody and I'd found out that there were several dogs playing the role of the daring-do dog, so i wanted to know how many had been sacrificed for the show...

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

  • Up Front: They Have the Best Rides,

    breaking naturally independent people down, turning them into obedient workers and blind consumers is largely the point of the modern structure.

    I reckon. Saddling young ones with massive student loans so they have to get a flash well-paid job(s) and partnering up, so they have the requisite double income to enter mortgage heaven, not to mention never getting unplanned-for pregnant, caught drink-driving, on drugs or even smoking (if one wants private health) so they are suitably clean for the job market.

    It's not a recipe for independent, creative, joyful people.

    Manawatu • Since Jan 2008 • 494 posts Report

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