Posts by Simon Grigg
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Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is…, in reply to
I've seen you dance to it.......
Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is…, in reply to
Of course we do:
Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is…, in reply to
That song does, however, have the distinction of being the one Kanye West track in history which does not namecheck Louis Vuitton, but rather Dior. So there's that. :)
Nobody drops brands better than the Juice:
Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is…, in reply to
Fucking genius. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
edit: whoa the video will post below the txt now...
Hard News: The Huawei Question, in reply to
And even if we were an enemy I'd question the utility of China subsidising Huawei to set up a highly sophisticated (heretofore untraceable) spy system in New Zealand.
I guess the answer to that would be that they hoped to access US intel networks via us, but mostly the assumption is, yes, semi-delusional.
Hard News: The Huawei Question, in reply to
It was surreal.
And ignored. The Guardian had a whole exposé on the supposed chem-warfare trailers that Powell touted so loudly at the UN six months before he wandered on to the stage towards ignominy.
They had diagrams of the construction, images, and an analysis from the Cambridge company that made them (under Thatcher era UK MOD contract) which explained what they were (for weather forecasting) and what they were capable of: i.e. not being turned into WMD labs.
One assumes that the vast US/UK security apparatus actually reads the papers and/or had access to the same or better information that the reporter did, and likely passed on that analysis - for it to be pushed aside.
Hard News: The Huawei Question, in reply to
The idea that this is some pariah company is just unsustainable.
I also find the core assumption that China is the 'enemy' rather the same.
We do drink that USG supplied jungle juice rather easily still.
Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is…, in reply to
Hmmm ... when I'm posting late 60s rocksteady I've definitely veered off the "music I hate" topic ...
There was a whole series of 60s albums full of rocksteady covers of pop. You'd look at the titles and go eechh, but somehow voices always pulled you through and they were really rather good.
Hell, I've heard good reggae covers of Sting compositions....
Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is…, in reply to
Hey, plenty of people seem to love them and all power to them. I just don't seem to get it.
I'm with you Peter. Mostly my list is songs - some of which I used to love but never want to hear again, which may or may not be of my doing. My blanket artist ban though is relatively concise.
I hate fey wispy meaningful young men:
Bon Ivor
Fleet FoxesDrecky MOR pomp rock:
Dire Straits (Mark Knoffler is the Murray McCully of rock'n'roll)
U2 (everything after I Will Follow)
Pink Floyd (everything after Meddle)Most American rawk bands that have gathered enough momentum to enter the US Top 20 in the last 40 years.
The complete Buddha Bar series (try eating out on South East Asian tropical isles and avoiding that shite)
Happy fucking funky house with "sunshine" in the lyrics.
And Dylan post 1974.
I do, however, like Joy Division and Oasis.
Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is…, in reply to
Isaac Hayes "By the Time I get to Phoenix"? No, say it ain't so!
Or Ike's Raps #s I to VI for that matter.....
And if anybody disses the above tune, they're instantly blocked.