Posts by chris

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  • Hard News: Friday Music: Good ideas and grumbles, in reply to Ian Jorgensen,

    I am pretty confident taking just ONE months funding from NZOA

    I have confidence you could pull something like that off too Ian. That would be deliciously ironic given NZOA’s mandate is in part to desocialise, ie. to capitalise on and encourage the trend for staying at home or in the car and being delivered our carefully selected ration of NZ culture via electronic boxes. Certainly (if there’s not one already), there is ample room beyond the Arts Council for a dedicated organization: NZL – New Zealand Live, to encourage people to get back outdoors and amongst one another, it’d probably be a very positive thing for the society as a whole. Alternatively there could also be alternative non-governmental sponsors to potentially tap – soft drinks, food, fashion, transport, telecommunication/ energy providers etc.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Good ideas and grumbles,

    I’m over my word limit so I’ll keep this brief: some issues I’m a little unclear about: Craig, you said:

    It seems to me, from the outside, a lot of organizations could learn from APRA when it comes to genuine and constructive engagement with its critics.

    Ant met with Blink and then went on record in the SST:

    "Blink [Jorgensen] is wrong on many points"…But APRA isn’t backing down. Healey says they will not be changing policy

    Samuel you said:

    But my point is that it is SOME MONEY. And there is so often NO MONEY.

    Could that not be more money, all the money? If the APRA Board sets aside 1.75% of distributable revenue each year to fund this long list of projects, does that mean they’re taxing your income to that tune or is it specifically coming from overseas acts?

    As Russell said:

    I don’t see how scrapping support for all awards and grants in order to send more money offshore would be a good thing.

    Is all this funding for these projects being siphoned from income due to offshore rights holders? I’m unclear what you’re advocating here.

    Regardless, and not playing favorites, if a rights holder is in New Plymouth or New Dehli, I’d actually prefer APRA and PPNZ, through sleet and snow, do their damnedest to ensure that this license income is distributed back to the appropriate music rights holders. Because, objectively, after all, that’s just their frigging job. APRA have 1.75% of their distributable income set aside to get absolutely cracking on finding ways to fulfill that responsibility.

    Blink, sorry my paypal got limited (again) when I tried to buy your book, it’s a great read. I’ll ensure you get all the money I owe you for it in due course (however insignificant my contribution may be*).


    *Rather than using the sum to hold a party✝ here, which would be, I might add, of considerable value to the community.

    [instrumental break]

    ✝We’ll still be announcing the winners of the local hoop jumping comp, just no party - we don't have the capacity for all members of the community.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: I like your old…, in reply to Danielle,

    It’s not exactly crazy to note that people often do prefer “the earlier, funnier movies”.

    Certainly nothing crazy there, provided you’re not standing on a street corner randomly barking that line out to passersby. As I see it, for the most part things hinge on our first encounter (the first time we ’get it). Are you An Annie Haller or a Midnight in Pariser. Bachelor Party, Big or Saving Private Ryan. I’ve played a bit of Fry and Laurie to a lot of House fans who’ve been less than impressed, the same with Bean and Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Monty Python etc British comedy, but.

    With the Beatles I was often amazed how many people rate Abbey Road so highly until I realised that was the first album they had significant exposure to, I grew up on Rubber Soul and Revolver.

    I was inclined to agree with Craig’s:

    they’re never going to replace Ziggy Stardust, This Year’s Model or Rain Dogs

    Rain Dog’s was Wait’s 8th LP recorded when he was 34, though he’s more of an exception than this rule we’re touting. But he’s not alone, Tina Turner struck a chord with our generation with her 80s comeback, much as I love the old stuff, the first song that comes to mind is always ‘We don’t need another hero’, and as far as I can glean, it’s largely down to timing and exposure often by way of the media.

    My version of Funkytown is the one by Lipps Inc, while a friend’s is Pseudo Echo, Peter Gabriel or Phil Collins Genesis? New York Mining Disaster 1941 or Stayin’ Alive? Atom Heart Mother or The Wall? Rankling questions, I apologize, self-definition via cultural posturing is not such a familiar socialization device out of the western hemisphere. Any fans of Psy from the Psycho World! here? Lieutenant Colonel Nicholson or Obi Wan Kenobi? Saruman or the Man with the Golden Gun? The Italian Job or the Italian Job? Hollywood seems to have got it. Generally the Die Hard fans will eat it all up, the fairweathers won’t, and there’s always a new generation to pitch at. It’s a difficult theory to test given the music biz doesn’t sign nearly enough Susan Boyles. Far too few Septuagenarian acts on the airwaves, come on NZOA! Represent.

    Picasso is many things to as many people, Van Goph was nothing to anyone and casting even further back, who’s going to stand up and argue for Michelangelo’s early or late period? The Travelling Wilburries early or late period?

    My LP introduction to Lou Reed came via New York and Songs for Drella which still means as much to me as any other work he or John ever did together. I wouldn’t have a clue if any of it mattered. Because it’s music. But mainly due to lack of a working flux capacitor..

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: I like your old…, in reply to James Butler,

    To be fair, I don’t think brain was fully engaged when that opening was typed;

    What a drag it is getting old, if you happen to play rock music

    Either due to lack of research of lack of understanding of the subject matter, it seemed to reveal more about the blogger than anything else. 99% of Rock musicians never achieve any kind of fame and as such, never miss it.The joints may get a bit rusty, you might develop RSI, but when all’s said and done, if the body’s willing it’s just another day at the orifice. old or young, enjoying the wonderful pleasure that only comes from playing music, invariably other peoples’.

    As I see it we are conflating being a musician who plays rock music with achieving some kind of fame. And for those who rate and crave adulation

    Is there any form in which fans will cling so tight to the work you made when you were a stupid child, even as they politely tolerate – barely – your new stuff?

    would seem like a totally legit concern. But for non-megalomaniac Josephine musician, who is getting paid or not to simply ‘play’, she has played and been paid. For the stars, where over time band members drop out and are replaced by pros, less and less members of any band are going be giving any kind of an actual fuck what the audience *thinks*. Our presence is all that was required.

    This whole other thing we seem to have directed towards: the adulation, the fame, the Icarii, they exist in every field, take Tiger Woods or any sports practitioner, filmmakers Jane Campion, Martin Scorcese, and of course George Lucas. Erm writers like JR Rowling, Sue Townsend, Helen Fielding. Broadcasters like Paul Holmes. Heck, take anyone who has had their 15 minutes*.

    Was fan adulation so important to their being that life is now a drag, so much so that their respective disciplines no longer give them pleasure? So much so that they can no longer apply an expected degree of effort in their respective disciplines? Or is that just some media spin, derived of a perception that our heroes live but for the glory, and that a fan’s subjective appreciation is isolated to a couple of choice hits from mid 80s.

    What a drag it is getting old, if you crave being young.

    *Had there been no Andy Warhol.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Who'd have thought?,

    The thing I've never quite understood about New Zealand school uniforms was dressing children in shorts in winter.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Higgs Live!, in reply to Islander,

    There seems to have been connections for at least 2-3 centuries after the first settlements in ANZ

    Is there any inkling as to what may have ruptured this connection?

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Higgs Live!, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    A sheepdog desperately seeking the approval of a shepherd?

    This/these wannabe 'sheepdog/s' -huskies with Alzheimers, "pull the sled!" As you said:

    we need to work on turning that around and finding ways we can get over these challenges.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Higgs Live!, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    Now I have to leap to the defence of science.

    Fair enough, the quote is an inadequate fit for the inquisitive mind, and yet x pages of Comic Sans Serif critique later, one wonders.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Higgs Live!, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    I’m not sure about Anglophile.

    Agreed. I’m not sure which word I seek. A comment on their English way of doing things more than allegiances, an ideological and administrative tepidness.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: Higgs Live!, in reply to Will de Cleene,

    "Man has to awaken to wonder -- and so perhaps do peoples. Science is a way of sending him to sleep again."

    Ludwig Wittgenstein

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

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