Posts by Emma Hart

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  • Hard News: The drugs don't (always) work,

    Lots of people here, who say or imply "the drug had a great effect on me, so the research must be wrong", are missing an important point: how do you know you were not being given a sugar pill?

    Two weeks of crippling side-effects going on? Six freaking months of being weaned off the super-dose my dr put me on when I pointed out they weren't working? And the intervening time spent feeling like I'd been entirely encased in perspex.

    yes there are misdiagnosed people, yes some GPS over prescribe. but , better a few extra prescriptions than a few extra deaths eh.

    Except it's not that simple. Some of those misdiagnosed people are actually ILL. Doling out SSRIs to every patient who mentions the word 'tired' stops people getting proper treatment. The problem's not the pills themselves, but how they're being used.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Cracker: Bye Wellington,

    And I can't for the life of me understand why Bill Clinton still get treated like a rock star, though I've got to admit the Clinton Charisma always struck me as somewhat opaque.

    Well he was the first PILF in my lifetime.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: What the people want to hear,

    Those of us with families have already had our tax cuts...

    Those of us with families who work. It's a quiet little niggle, but the very poorest families got absolutely nothing out of WFF.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Island Life: National Landslide, or…,

    I think it was a lot easier in 1990 to put your finger on what was wrong at the time, though that might be an effect of retrospection. Things were improving but not fast enough. We'd been promised there'd be a rocky patch, and then things would improve. We got six years of 'jam tomorrow' and no jam.

    Add to that, Labour was tearing itself apart from the inside, with the waka-jumping of Anderton and the formation of New Labour.

    This year... for all the soul-searching and talk about 'social engineering', I think Labour's greatest enemy is our sense of fair play. They've been on the swing for too long and it's time to give someone else a turn.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much ironic as outrageous,

    I bet they're more likely to sound alike, than the possibility that they'll both end up axe murderers. Or attacking their foster parents with a baseball bat.

    Kyle, the Dunedin longitudinal study found what's been a pretty-widely publicised (and sensationalised) link between different alleles in a gene involved in MAOA processing, and the likelihood an individual will become violent when exposed to a stressful environment. Whether or not someone becomes violent is a combination of genes and environment - like everything else. That's why siblings exposed to exactly the same parenting have different responses.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: Recreations,

    Is it the actual horror, or just the excuse to grab the nearest guy which is the big turn on?

    Excuse? Oh Ben, just do it, you don't need an excuse.

    Of course, the last time I landed at Wellington the guy next to me had what appeared to be the early stages of bubonic plague and Jeffrey Archer novel, both of which kept him well safe from any grabbing.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Children come first, except…,

    20 years ago I was never caught, so one could argue that little has changed. But back then we knew we could be caught and if we did we would be in a lot of trouble. Nowadays? Nothing really happens if you're caught.

    Twenty years ago I was... well, I don't remember any vandalism in my teenage years, but stealing from shops, stealing from cars, stealing cars, stealing from houses, drugs, receiving... The activities varied with what group I was hanging out with, which was largely determined in those years by who I was sleeping with.

    One thing I can say with assurance about that span of years between thirteen and seventeen, and all those people who were involved. Not one of us knew what the criminal penalty for anything we were doing was, and nobody ever thought we were going to get caught. So increasing a fine as a deterrant is utterly useless if the people you're trying to deter have no knowledge of what the fine was in the first place.

    But being surer of being caught? That I think would make a difference. It's scary and embarrassing.

    Of all the people I knew back in those days that I still have awareness of, only one of them didn't just grow out of it and become a fairly average member of the community. That's the one who went to prison, on something like 86 counts of fraud. I have no idea whether that was because he was more fcked up in the first place and would have gone that way anyway, but it certainly didn't 'fix' him. (He was, to be fair, a tremendous jerk.)

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much ironic as outrageous,

    Because we all know the Lesbian Witches currently running this country hate Jesus.

    More fun than a Plunket coffee morning...

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    Canada being Canada (i.e. freezing even in summer sometimes) there is even a huge "kid dryer" at the big Lumbermans' Arch Water Park so that soaked children can be blow dried before the chilly walk home along the sea wall.

    Do Want!

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Island Life: More time with the family,

    mortal panics

    That's be SO cool. "OMG TEH GAYZ!!1! *coughchokethud*"

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

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