Posts by Martin Lindberg

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  • Hard News: The file-sharing bill, in reply to Gareth Ward,

    why would they NOT just gather up those IP addresses and have the ISPs send warning letters for what will surely be a fairly small "processing fee" (what does it cost to send a letter?

    There is significant processing cost to the ISP apart from sending the letter. They would need a system to match a user to an IP-address at a specific time. Procedures would need to be put in place to deal with on-sold IP-addresses, IP-addresses belonging to companies etc etc. A register would be needed to keep track of already sent warning-letters. ISPs do this every now and then today on an ad-hoc basis, but how many of these warning will they need to process now? 10/day? 100/day? 1000/day? 10000/day?

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: The file-sharing bill, in reply to 3410,

    Aggh, the stupid! It burns!

    (Man, hearing those two is sooo depressing…)

    ETA: that would be Katrina Shanks and Jonathan Young, just to be clear. And hearing that she was on the select committee is just mind-blowing.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Cracker: Send in the Clowns, in reply to Stephen Judd,

    I believe 99 out of 10 people whove mastered

    And that's just how easy it is! Maths on the other hand... ;-)

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fairy-Tale Autopsies,

    Thanks for posting about this, Emma. The over-use of the term trolling in this forum has been bothering me too. In fact, I even commented as much about a month ago (please can we have timestamps back!).

    I’m not sure what trolling means these days. To me it means (or used to mean) a deliberately provocative statement reflecting a view not sincerely held. Today it appears to apply to any provocative statement whether the view is sincerely held or not.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Busytown: A new (old) sensation, in reply to Jacqui Dunn,

    Do you have an accent? Is it a New Zealand accent, or faintly “other”?

    Yes, I do have an accent (everyone does!), although I’m told it’s not easy to identify. I don’t believe I have the ABBA-style Swenglish any more. People who guess often think I’m from South Africa, but that’s mostly due to a process of elimination of the other common Anglosphere accents. No, I don’t have much trouble understanding Kiwi English.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Busytown: A new (old) sensation, in reply to recordari,

    Thanks for that Word Routes link - interesting. As someone who has learned English as a second (or even third) language, I probably find myself in Group 1. That's what I was taught, dammit! Native English speakers are allowed to threat their own language any way they please. I like the term skunked words, which I had not heard before. I makes perfect sense though.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Busytown: A new (old) sensation, in reply to recordari,

    Thinking why we might feel a bit nonplussed by NZ fiction

    Sorry for the off-topic, but this is a pet peeve of mine. Are you utterly perplexed or the opposite (whatever that is) by NZ fiction?


    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Japan moves,

    Call me reckless, but I find it really difficult to work up any real concern over a tsunami affecting me directly. Killed in traffic seems more likely. Or attacked by Mothra.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: What Now?,

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: What Now?,

    Hmm, I guess this could be seen as a return to the normal neighbourhood watch mentality Christchurch was known for before the quake.

    "Yes, it's legal, but it still doesn't make it right or acceptable near the homes of decent people. If you have one skank, other skanks will come. It just escalates. Where do you draw the line?"

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

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