Posts by giovanni tiso

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  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    That's not really the point, Giovanni. Michael Laws is an elected official and is supposed to rise above petty provocation and be a bit more professional. It's very dispiriting that there seems to be a constituency willing to cheer on this kind of boorishness.

    I'm not sure that the answer is pestering the elected official with more petty provocation. And really, this idea that W(h)anganui is redneck country is just annoying bullshit.

    I think the fact that somebody like Michael Laws got to be mayor should give us a certain amount of pause, but this email exchange here actually plays entirely into his hands.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    Can't say I'm excessively impressed with the level of baiting by his correspondent either. "Redneck capital of New Zealand"? And why don't you also kindly fuck off?

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • Hard News: What the TiVo deal signifies,

    Which is a shame. I've been trying out the Panasonic BluRay recorder/DVR, which does have a viable YouTube application (in VieraCast) – but is let down somewhat by

    What, what, what? The suspense is killing me! Your 15 minute window for finishing that sentence might be running out.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where the crazy comes from,

    'cause I thought that was a pretty far-fetched conspiracy, were it not for the actually happening part.

    Yes, I believe HORansome could confirm that theorising a conspiracy doesn't mean being necessarily wrong. And of course Occam's razor doesn't apply to human affairs - sometimes the most far fetched explanation is indeed correct.

    Was there a conspiracy behind JFK's assasination and did Roosevelt know about Pearl Harbour seem two issues worth pursuing, much as they are infested with crackpottery.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where the crazy comes from,

    Oh, but of course. It's not my joke, though, it's Obama's.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where the crazy comes from,

    This edit feature means that I have to do what, reread what I've written now? Seems harsh.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where the crazy comes from,

    In his mind, the communist grooming of Obama began when the future president was but 10 years old.

    During the campaign Obama himself traced it back to kindergarten, when he was encouraged to share his toys with the other children.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where the crazy comes from,

    Such a shame translating the craziness of Italian right-wing politicians requires too many explanations... trust me when I say that we're not afraid to be outdone by your Glenn Becks.

    (Buses for immigrants only! Local dialects taught at school! Cap on the number of foreigners in our primary school classes! MPs responding to accusations of massive sexual improprieties by threatening to reveal even bigger scandals - by other members of their own party! It really is quite a circus that I'm looking forward to watch live as of next week.)

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • On Morals,

    Indeed polygamy is a marriage with more than one spouse of any sex. What this survey refers to is polygyny (a man with multiple wives). The other option is polyandry (a woman with multiple husbands).

    There is another option, where more than one female and more than one male are involved. That I believe is technically known as a "clusterfuck".

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

  • Hard News: Be the party of good science,

    Hilary, that'd be because in the EU it's possible to carry out some fairly significant degree of "social engineering" without the media and the public screaming and ranting about it.

    Also, the European Commission isn't democratically elected. No, really.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts Report

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