Posts by Rich of Observationz

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  • Hard News: The Public Bad,

    There's an explicit exception for caching.

    For ISPs, not for individual users or (possibly) corporations.

    How about I put on my blog a clause to the effect that this site is copyright and freely licensed to all users, excepting the RIAA, the NZ government and their employees? Then issue takedown notices to the upstream ISPs when I see their IP pop up.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Bad,

    Essentially, they heard the name "Folele Muliaga" in their heads and knew they didn't want to go there

    People rely on the Internet for vital life support? Or is that "no-life" support?

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    How about some online civil disobedience.

    How about some offline civil disobedience. Since nearly everyone who works in IT opposes section 92, why don't we all just call in sick on the same day and see what breaks without anyone to fix it..

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Island Life: Go hard or go home,

    We could sell space in our numerous volcanos to International Evil Masterminds to build their Lairs.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Hard News: Away for the Weekend,

    Say hi to Dr Pitt (aka Jetpilot) for me at Foo Camp.

    Also, I find it interesting that you are separating all these geeks from their lovers for Card And Flower Marketing Day. Is this based on a stereotype that no geek is in a relationship??

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cricketucation,

    I favour 4 innings, 8 balls an over and no time limit. With two 30 minute sessions each day, played in the afternoon and separated by a one hour tea break.

    This would give the 31 players (did I mention that bit) the opportunity to keep the games going for several months at a stretch. A series would take 2-3 years, interrupted by winters.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cricketucation,

    I do see Mr Balls point (BTW, has he been scapegoated for the crash and fired as an treasury minister? That was his forte, originally). Hanging lessons around something vaguely interesting makes them less dry.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Island Life: Vendor says sell!,

    but if you do then my business and all of that interest is going elsewhere

    But how do they know you won't go elsewhere anyway at some point in the next 25 years. You want loyalty, get a dog. (and other aphorisms).

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Island Life: Vendor says sell!,

    Also, I read in the DomPost today that banks won't lend to single people without a big deposit. Is this legal - marital status is a prohibited ground of discrimination, isn't it?

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

  • Island Life: Vendor says sell!,

    David is right.

    You wouldn't usually expect to be able to break a fixed rate and remortage to save money. If you could, they would advertise it as having a put option and it would be more expensive to pay for this. (Not to mention that everyone who knows how to calculate just how much more expensive it would need to be has been condemned as an evil banker and made redundant).

    But of course, the number one priority for this government is to help the affluent avoid having to sell the bach, SUV or rental property.

    My favourite estate agent wankline:
    <i>Buyer moving out</i>

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts Report

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