Posts by Hebe

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  • Speaker: Facing the floods,

    I went to the flood drop-in today. Lots of ppl hving big talks, mainly about Flockton. However, talking with the CCC officials was illuminating. They must gather their info pronto so do fill out a survey and let them know what's going on for you.

    I've made strong suggestions about how to communicate what is happening so people feel less isolated and afraid and have contact points for help.

    Flockton is only the start, I was told, with the plan rolling out across the affected areas.

    They are working very hard on this but the communication they acknowledge has been difficult and are looking to improve it hugely.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Speaker: Facing the floods, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Land prices in the wasteland have tripled since the EPICs started planning the new project two years ago!

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Speaker: The secret Christchurch…, in reply to Shulgin,

    All strength to you. It’s hard to stay sometimes, hard to go away too. A shrink I know says that those who left suddenly are often having a harder time coming to terms with the whole thing than those who are stressed but stayed. There is no clean break whatever you do if you’ve lived on top of this.

    Near 15,000 quakes later, we’re catching up on 18 months of lost sleep – almost every night broken sleep with the Port Hills fault 3km away. Then another year of a boy doing bloodcurdling screams in his sleep – he didn’t wake but the rest of us did. (it was a form of PTSD that needed to work itself out, and it has.) Tonight I’m sitting up not sleeping because I can’t shake the irrational idea there’s going to be a good shunt.

    I took the photo from the St Martins Road bridge, Fifield on the left, Riverlaw on the right – our corner, we’re a few doors down.

    Then there are the good things: the beach, the parks; Risingholme in the autumn. Piko. Coffee shops. The Tannery. The forest. The people; always the people

    Greg’s piece is not clear, because nothing is clear. We’re both pulled all which way.

    PS: I had an idea that quake counselling and help is available in Auckland. Have you rung around? Dogs: def stressed: herbal remedies I’m told.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Speaker: The secret Christchurch…, in reply to Minnie Ball,

    Minnie, I don't want to be flippant or replay something you know but this man I found very helpful (I think the date shd be 2014 not last year):

    I empathise completely about the counsellors. Though well-meaning it's hard to hear.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Speaker: The secret Christchurch…, in reply to Minnie Ball,

    I have a link for people needing help and succour -- a place near Hamilton that is offering free retreats for people who are stressed as a result of the earthquakes. It sounds wonderful and may be of use to you. I hope so.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Speaker: The secret Christchurch…, in reply to Minnie Ball,

    Oh Minnie: hugs. Many many hugs.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Speaker: Facing the floods, in reply to Ian Dalziel,


    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Speaker: Facing the floods,

    CCC environment general manager: he's talking crap re the Heathcote River. Fuck.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to JacksonP,

    Like those life on the beaches pictures!

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Coast to Coast, in reply to Lilith __,

    My first aurora!!!

    Great capture Lilith! I had an intuition when the aurora alerts fired up last night that I shd let you know. There are pages on Facebook -- which seem to be based in the south with people aurora-hunting, watching and photographing. Keep an eye on for the NZ map kp readings: above 4 and you're in with a chance apparently.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

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