Posts by Ian Dalziel

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  • Southerly: Continuing After A Short Interruption,

    Sadé n Freud...

    I was already suffering from...


    Sorry to hear about your Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus ordure allergy, Brent.

    But run together, as it were, it makes a fabulous sounding word, one crying out to be attached to some obscure psychological condition...
    Less ennui and more Weltschmerz, perhaps?

    other suggestions?
    any one, any one...
    :- )

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring Breaks, in reply to Lilith __,

    flora abunda...

    ...amazing magnolia perule

    I never knew that!
    I'd gone with 'furry flower pod' for decades and now I find the floral envelope has such wonderful names: perula, perianth, perigone and calyx...

    a rosebud by any other name...
    Now I no longer languish outside
    the secret lives of flowers,
    but I do not go genital into that,
    good night!

    (sorry Dylan T)

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The Police Investigation…,

    disappoint mentor anger ... I understand it, with that pesky (but coulda been useful this once) 'criminal act serving a greater good' defence loophole excised, isn't this to all intents and purposes the police saying the GCSB technicians "were 'just following orders', compounded by systems and/or communications breakdowns, don't look up, nothing to see here..."
    (The same staunch 'back-your-comrades-in-arms-no-matter-what' attitude that sees the head of Chchch police still refuse to apologise to a plucky pensioner )

    Will it really stop people trying to game the system?

    Has it sent a strong enough message up the food chain?

    Won't 'those-that-want-to-know-stuff-without-you-knowing'
    just be implementing work-around #2, #3, or...?

    Great work Graeme,
    as always....

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Fact Check: New Bail Laws, in reply to Keir Leslie,


    bits and pisces...

    You can’t ban props!
    Mabel Howard’s angry ghost
    will hunt you down!

    Now all I can see is a conflation
    of bloomers and snapper...

    Puffer Fish!

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the red zone, in reply to Hebe,

    and other gorgeous Harrisongs...

    then this is the question

    Yay, verily....

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • OnPoint: BTW, the NZ Police can use…,

    oversight, outtasight...

    Australian intelligence sources have also told Fairfax Media that Singaporean intelligence co-operates with Australia in accessing and sharing communications carried by the SEA-ME-WE-3 cable which lands at Tuas on the western side of Singapore Island.

    Access to this major international telecommunications channel via Singapore's government-owned operator SingTel and the country's Defence Ministry has been a key element in an expansion of Australian-Singaporean intelligence and defence ties over the past 15 years.

    It also underpinned the former Howard government's approval of SingTel's takeover of Australia's second largest telecommunications company, Optus, in 2001.

    Doesn't look like NZ gets any crumbs from our buddy's table either...

    The Great Game continues...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the red zone, in reply to Hebe,

    Key's Tone Cops...

    Keep on Key-pinging on...

    ...I'll have no truck with
    these Crumbs you're tossing...
    ;- )

    But you're right!
    Curtis has the answer...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the red zone, in reply to Hebe,

    Blow Key!

    Joh Key?

    Don Key haughty,
    blokey, smiley and wily
    - with his on song,
    A Key, Bray Key heart

    meet the all-time new Low Key
    - our Trickster Prime Minister
    son of Odium...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: Political Idol, or whatever…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    regime chains…

    It’s an undertaking the government didn’t
    have constitutional power to make.

    Something they are doing a lot of lately…
    … and after being told they are wrong
    they still want to get their own way…

    Key and cronies are proving there may be some truth in that hoary old adage – ‘How do you start a Kiwi off in a small business?
    Give him a big business to start with….’

    (and it’s starting to look like the govt may have created most of the furore about ‘Botulismilk’ etc – another own goal?)

    The National ‘Government’ is turning into a bit of a constitutional clearing house come fire sale all round, really…

    I can see Br’er Key grinning, gloating –
    “ta baby, for throwing me in the Brierley Patch!
    It’s been fun, sell sell, sell!”

    NB: commissar-orations extended, if offence given
    ;- )

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Fact Check: New Bail Laws,

    stumps me...
    What were the pressing reasons given for passing it under urgency?

    And what were the real reasons?

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

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