Posts by Ian Dalziel

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  • Legal Beagle: Gordon Campbell…, in reply to Rob Hosking,

    instead of links to films

    Que? I wasn't disagreeing with Graeme, merely a tangential aside triggered by another comment...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Outwards and Upwards, in reply to Kyle Matthews,

    Walk off the Earth

    Thanks, that was a great way to start the day, with a laugh...
    Now there's an act that I'd go and see at a Buskers Festival.

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: The GCSB Bill: We at least…, in reply to Ross Mason,

    a piano has 88 keys!*

    …on nine people. Only nine?????

    Yeah, I noticed that too, in amongst all his patronising “okays” ( are you following this, am I going to fast for you fools – seems to be what ‘okay’ means on Planet Key – it’s also used by con men to keep people on the back foot and deter them from looking too closely at what they’re saying).
    First he averaged the 88 out to 9-a-year over a decade, then later that morphed into just 9 people, more likely due to Key not being able to keep all his plates spinning, but a useful idea for him to seed in the nation’s minds.
    His analogy of Norton Antivirus, while laughable, leaves him the virus, I fear.

    His Mister Smiley persona was painted on thinly (and garishly) last night, and evaporated quickly.

    Give up up your day job, John, and go back to misdirection school.

    *not that I’m worried that our govt has been taken over by a cabal of evil numerologists or anything like that – but they do love messing with numbers (and us) and at the risk of Godwinning the whole thread, I merely note that Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as a code to represent the slogan Heil Hitler.

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: The GCSB Bill: We at least…,

    Key is the fear...
    The scary thing is there will be people out there who will think the prime minister acquitted himself well on Campbell Live tonight...
    What a cold fish, and such dead eyes - I think he blinked once - as he trotted out all the usual platitudes and talking points, almost as if he believed them himself....

    I'd like to know when the 88 cases of 'illegal spying on New Zealanders' over ten years really happened, he was trying to sell the idea of 9 per year, when I suspect there was probably quite a recent spike starting round the Ureweras incidents, rather than an even spread...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    auspicious minds...
    (and other 'cross' word clues...)

    The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit svastika
    So I guessed right about the Sanskrit.

    Why just the other day I was introduced to yoga asana swastikasana
    not that I got all the way into the position...
    All in good time!

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: The GCSB Bill: We at least…, in reply to Bruce Grey,

    Porcine Airways presents...

    Campbell Live’s webpage says John Key is on the show tonight.

    OMG, Hell has frozen over!

    Hope they show him saying he wouldn't appear - at the end of that press conference - still we live in dynamic times with fluid events , so if Chameleon Key is comfortable contradicting himself, who are we to question him, eh...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: The GCSB Bill: We at least…, in reply to linger,


    Nice, spread the word!

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    that bastard Schicklgruber…

    …that way, way predates the Nazis’ appropriation of that symbol

    “The cornerstone was laid on 16 December 1864, but financial problems in the fledgling city saw its completion delayed between 1865 and 1873.
    In 1873 a new resident architect, New Zealander Benjamin Mountfort, took over the project and construction began again.
    The nave, 100 foot (30 m) long, and tower were consecrated on 1 November 1881, but the transepts, chancel and sanctuary were not finished until 1904.”
    (from wikipedia )
    So yes, a wee way prior to Herr Schicklgruber/Heidler’s rise and rise…
    …and fall.

    Here’s a link to a pic of said tiles.

    Fascinating detail on its use here:
    Western use of the swastika early 20th century

    <Snap again, Joe>

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: The GCSB Bill: We at least…,


    Meet Maxi-millionaire Headroom!
    Lend me your ears…

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Southerly: My Life As a Palm Tree,

    Growing up in Sydenham, I spent lots of time playing with trains...
    Riding rolling stock in the shunting yards or catching a ride to the gas works or Addington.
    Plus lots of climbing to great heights on the rash of high rises being built about the town then, scaling the AA building in Latimer Square on the scaffolding, fossicking about deserted buildings and of course freewheeling down Dyers Pass Road from the equally fun Victoria Park, with dodgy brakes... a lot of the time on my own with no one knowing where I was - all character building stuff I'm sure....

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

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