Posts by Christopher Dempsey

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  • Hard News: The Cycling Superhighway,

    Putting on Elected Rep Hat...

    Writing reports is a political game really.

    Sorry Christopher, I've been in that game a damn sight longer than Daniel Newcombe. If what went in under his name was his genuine opinion I would have to respect that (even while disagreeing with it). If it wasn't his genuine opinion then that's either downright unprofessional or a forgery. I cannot respect that.

    I wish all staff would write what they really really really think, but they don't for a variety of reasons, mostly political. Daniel is the consummate professional; he wrote a report as best as he could under the circumstances (a highly politicised infrastructure proposal that is continually constested. The politics came into it when Joyce changed the rules to suit his worldview).

    I think your anger and disappointment needs to be directed at the senior staff that signed off the report, not Daniel.

    Taking off said hat...

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Cycling Superhighway,


    Surely not the same Daniel Newcombe who let the Waterview/Mt Albert residents so badly down with his report to the ACC Transport Committee on the Waterview connection? Or are there two of them at the Council?

    The same Daniel Newcombe, who, like all good staff, do what they are told to do, and in this case, write, by politicians and very senior staff. What is under his name is not necessarily what he actually wrote.

    Writing reports is a political game really.

    @ Sam - I was another dignitary, a quiet one in the background, and I got there on my bike. :)


    @Tim Welch - yes, it was that one... drool drool. Do you stock it?

    @ Stephen W - I mentioned the lack of knowledge or advertising on the web about the event to the comms manager - I don't think he realised how big a deal it would be. I'm sure he'll do things a little differently next time.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Cycling Superhighway,

    Ahhh, I think you followed me up the path towards the city? We were following that cool couple on old style Raleigh 20s...

    <jealous> The other VERY cool bike there was a cargo bike that had mud guards and a front luggage rack all made out of something like plywood - very very classy and styley. The guys at Rode made it apparently.</jealous>

    And yeah, good to see Wayne McDonald on a bike! He rode all the way to the end of the new link and back too!

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Misadventure and Muppetry,

    I've no idea why NZTA would want to play this down, other than some fear that Mr Steven 'holiday highway or hell' Joyce will cancel future cycling projects.

    Which is odd given that he's opening it, but this government is stranger than most.

    The minister behaved himself very well in the event. And Nikki Kaye even had a ride on someone's flash bike.

    Yes, the minister did behave himself, and I note, did commit to the next stage of extending the link to Wellesley Street, so I retract the Highway or hell moniker and dub him Mr Steven "Cycleways or hell" Joyce.

    I said to Nikki Kaye that I thought she was in the wrong party... she said no, she's very definitely a blue-green National. I'll still contend that she's in the wrong party, and hope she forgives me for that.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Cycling Superhighway,

    And I should point out that the tie/shirt wearing guy with the backpack on with the "one less car" covering in your picture Russell is Daniel Newcombe who works at Auckland City Council, and had a big hand to play in this from Council's perspective. Big ups to Daniel!

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Cycling Superhighway,

    Nice to be at the opening, and lovely to meet Russell, and I *think* I met Sam, but not sure on that.

    And I'll take back my words; it's now Mr Steven "Cycleways or hell" Joyce. He quite clearly said that the new link was going to be built. And that he would turn up on his bike when it will be opened. :)

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Misadventure and Muppetry,

    10:30am, at Nixon Park in Kingsland.

    why is it impossible to find any official info about this event on the web? or am i using the Goooooooooooogle all wrongly?

    For the simple reason that there isn't any official information.

    I've no idea why NZTA would want to play this down, other than some fear that Mr Steven 'holiday highway or hell' Joyce will cancel future cycling projects.

    Which is odd given that he's opening it, but this government is stranger than most.

    The usual response will be that someone forgot to do something somewhere.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Misadventure and Muppetry,

    Christopher -- I tried to email you, but perhaps had the wrong address. When and where is the NW motorway cycleway opening tomorrow? I'd like to get along!

    Have emailed you the opening details, but it is on tomorrow (Thursday 15th) at 10.30am, at Nixon Park, just off Central Rd, Kingsland.

    See you there, and anyone else who'd like to come along on their bike!

    Seeing Sam will be there and yourself, and myself, perhaps a PAS caucus is in order?

    (and I've updated my email details in my profile as well...)

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Misadventure and Muppetry,

    Being Canadian, and having spent time there working, I contributed to EI, but woe betide anyone claiming; I daren't risk the bureaucracy, or the thought that all one would get would be a pittance - and it was a pittance. Luckily I survived by wits.

    I echo Uroskin - EI is really a tax, and can mask a very large administrative bureaucracy.

    EI sounds fine in theory, but I would a) want it tied to me personally, b) subsidised by employers/govt to ensure a minimum payout of living costs (say 40K) for all employees, and the subsidy maxes out at say 60K. That way lower income people are covered, without offensively subsidising the wealthy.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Touched by the hand,

    I'm not entirely sure how it's going to cross the Southern Motorway to get into Grafton gully, though, do you have a link to the proposal?

    The nice man from NZTA presented the proposal at a recent Cycle Action Auckland meeting. Pretty cool video too. Unfortunately no link as yet, but next time I see the gentleman in question I'll ask.

    The way to get over the southern is via the Upper Queen st bridge - you know, the one that goes downhill and intersects with Canada Rd. The link will come up along Ian McKinnon Drive, then you ride onto the bridge, and then turn right off the bridge into ummm the wooded area near to the cemetery. It's hard to explain but it's clearer in the video.

    I think Ben has it:

    I think I see it now, if it crosses the motorways on Upper Queen St, then it could skirt the cemeteries and go under the Symonds St on-ramp, then track along the side of the Wellesley St off-ramp. Which would be why it ends at Wellesley St. A cycle crossing right there, and it could do a lovely drop-off and track all the way down to Parnell Rise, at which point it's only a mile or so of painted lines on the road until it joins directly to the Tamaki Drive cycleway.

    @ recordai - your link to a group of men bashing an iPad to pieces has the vague air of Mad Max II to it; groups of young men refashioning artifacts from the electronic past to refashion into chunky jewelry.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

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