Posts by dc_red

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  • Hard News: Better, faster ... prettier,

    Men are too busy drinking merlot, chardonnay, riesling, and grappa to worry about health and nutrition?

    I agree Mediawatch just isn't the same without RB.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too Good to Be True,

    Shep -

    It's worth noting that first study didn't actually look at cancer rates at all, merely other respiratory symptoms (which are known precursors to cancer in tobacco smokers). But yes, inhaling burning organic matter into your lungs is not generally regarded as health-promoting.

    - But then, neither is prison.

    As for the second study, the Otago results actually showed a 300-400% increase in schizophrenia-like symptoms (3% of control group vs. 10% of experimental group) ... both figures remarkably high.

    The 30% increase was from another study to be published in the same issue of the BMJ, out of Wales. Note the huge variation between the two studies.

    A third, Australian, study reported the "five-fold increase in the odds of later depression and anxiety."

    - But then there is a significant question of cause and effect. It seems likely to my mind that those who are already predisposed to some of these conditions are more likely to use cannabis in the first instance (e.g., for self-medicating purposes). Alcohol is another drug to which many with these conditions turn.

    i.e., it's getting close to saying "Anxiety rates high in group of people who use drugs which relieve anxiety."

    My two cents: Children and teenagers should be very strongly discouraged from using drugs. Adults are responsible for what drugs they choose to take. All drugs can have negative health consequences, and that includes the prescribed and legal social ones. Prison is far worse for your health than any drug. Its personal and social costs are truly terrible.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too Good to Be True,

    Steve - I think that rather goes without saying. If MikeE has people who rely on him/care for him (or even if he cares for himself), he should probably refrain from, e.g., drinking a bottle of whisky every night, while smoking three packets of unfiltered Camels, then washing down four xanax before bed.

    But the point is that it's no business of the state to insist he not to do these things to his own body (and threaten to imprison him if he disobeys) - there are appropriate social mores and expectations around these things. MikeE's friends, family and/or colleagues are likely more than capable of offering advice on responsible substance use.

    Plus, if he or anyone else ignores these mores and expectations for too long, there are probably consequences (like unemployment) that serve as a useful reminder of what it takes to function in society.

    I don't see MikeE making an argument for irresponsible hedonism, rather, he's make an argument for liberty.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too Good to Be True,

    Yeah, I have to confess that a lot of the time my lavish, SKY-equipped accommodation has been funded, at least in part, and slightly indirectly, by the taxpayer. Generally I'm in motels at around $100/night, but sometimes it's hotels up to $160/night.

    I also even rent "Group B" cars from Budget when on the road!!

    And when off the road at the end of the day I have been known to drink a beer or two and charge it back to my work. (Not from the mini-bar mind you, that would be ridiculous).

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too Good to Be True,

    Until Sky stops filling its shitty sports channels with crap like ESPN (a fatwa on Tommy Smyth wid a why?) and Hip Hop Hold 'em, then I'll be spending my money elsewhere. What a joke.

    In an ideal world I'd be happy for proper pay-Per-View - no regular subscription, but $5 - $50 to watch a rugby game, same to watch some footie. I might even be feeling flush enough to watch the Worriors on occasion. I refuse to pay $49.23 for thirty-odd channels of shite.

    Yeah, on the rare occasion I watch SKY (e.g., in hotels) I'm amazed how often all I can find is US College basketball and Aussie Rules. And replays at that! Surely there is SFA demand for such programming in NZ?

    Another option is if there's a game you really want to see, go down to the local bar and watch it there for the price of two pints. It'd be a while before you spend the $600-$1000 p.a. that SKY will set you back at home.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too Good to Be True,

    On the value of televised sports, I agree with Leg Break.

    I wouldn't have taken up cricket, soccer as a kid without first seeing and following those games on TV.

    To put Sky's $80/mo in perspective, in Canada $56/mo will get you 60 channels (that's real TV channels, not radio) and more live sport than you can shake a hockey stick at.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too Good to Be True,

    & lets not forget its cancer causing properties.

    Ditto chlorinated water.

    I just learnt the other day that certain byproducts of chlorination, formed in particular when drinking water supplies are contaminated with soil, vegetation etc., are known or strongly believed to cause cancer. Some brief info here.

    As is well known, an ally or two for banning water can probably be found in the National Party.

    The massive harm caused by legally prescribed drugs is probably worth a mention too.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too Good to Be True,

    I'd like to think that as long as I perform my job to an adequate or higher standard, it's none of my employer's business what drugs (illicit or otherwise) I take.

    Ditto for school students ... as long as they are not under the influence, using or dealing at school, what they do in their evenings and weekends is of interest only to themselves, and arguably their parents.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: How many children with cancer…,

    I'm beginning to wonder if one of the reasons this kind of story "has legs" in NZ is a sustained sense of grievance among much of the population, which holds that others are enjoying easy, "luxurious" lifestyles, while they toil for little reward.

    I've long thought this kind of sentiment helped to explain part of the appeal of Orewa I ("Yes, I skimp and save, while those 'bloody Maaris' have it handed to them on a plate by the government at my expense"), and now of course the luxury of a new pair of shoes for the paroled manslaughterer, and a weekend workshop in Taupo for 'bloody bureaucrats'.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: How many children with cancer…,

    Getting to travel, spend the night in a nice hotel, have some posh nosh and generally get a bit of a break from the humdrum routine is part of an unspoken bargain between us attendees and the organisers - "If you promise to try and pay attention while we drone on, we'll let you have a bit of fun in the evening".

    Most conferences - including this one - are a huge waste of money.

    I sometimes think along similar lines ... although I wouldn't go so far as to say most conferences are a huge waste of money (some I've attended have been tremendous), there's too many for my liking that are just an excuse to socialize, get rip-roaring drunk, and then try not to vomit during your presentation the next morning.

    The latter leave me less than impressed.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

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