Posts by Steve Parks

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  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    is there anything, really, in da final analysis, more grossly fatty and egoswollen than that?

    Ah, some more "quite nice argument".

    When people just show up to insult people or make a mess, I wouldn't take it really serious.

    I agree that one shouldn't take anything from the likes of conseismal seriously. But it works both ways, Ben S. Why did you feel the need to defend conseismal from some of the comments he received earlier? I wouldn't take con seriously, but I'd not have a problem with other posters voicing their criticism of con, either.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    I've noticed new people joining discussions here without any fuss

    as long as they agree with the mob other wise they dont stick around long.

    Yet, we still have the likes of Brickley Paiste, and, for that matter, Craig Ranapia, who often disagrees with the majority of posters here on NZ political matters. You’re just asking for special treatment: if people put forward views that most other posters happen to disagee with, they should be treated with kid gloves. Fuck that: If you’re going to be controversial, own it, I say. I think you’re just a bit too tender for internet discussion forums, polly.

    the expectation here and most forums is that we are all supposed to have the same opinion and write it in the same manner.

    I’m not sure what “write in the same nanner” is supposed to mean. If you can’t see the difference in writing style of posters here then you just ain’t paying attention. As for the same opinion, have you not noticed all the arguments that take place here? Just the other day I disagreed (as best as I can tell) with the majority opinion on the “name suppression” issue; I certainly disagreed with Russell’s view. But I didn’t seem to get “shat on” too much. I like to think in part it’s because I didn’t act like a whiny jerk. You should try it sometime.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Speaker: There's a word for that ...,

    I've never really got the "wind farms are ugly" objection. Aren't they usually built on fairly uninteresting, sparse hillsides?

    I like the cartoon in Kyle's link.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not in front of the children,

    While I understand and agree Neil, there are myriad combination of words that are banned in certain contexts, due to the suppression order. Because regardless of my intended meaning, you and I both know there are certain combinations of words ( or a single word if you want to be tricky) that I'm legally prevented from writing, regardless of whether any information is conveyed to anyone or not.

    What Steve Barnes said. Plus, you originally implied an organisation was banning specific words, not just certain combinations of words in certain contexts.

    I agree with you that this particular imposition on our freedom of expression by the courts is wrong, though. (But, as Sacha reminds us, that is a separate issue.)

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not in front of the children,

    "Homophobia is Gay"

    Jimbo: "You kissed a girl? That's so gay!"

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    @Steve P
    How is posting a Duran Duran video expected to ease the tension in the air?

    Your mistake is in assuming I want to ease the tension.

    their reflexes

    Oh, you’re just asking for it...

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    Oh for fuck's sake, Joe. You can sound the same, sometimes. I like Ian a lot, too. But Gio deserved some slack, if it was even true that he sounded a bit harsh (I don't think he did).

    Was that mild little contretemps really worth holding a week-long thread-crossing grudge that comes screaming out of the wild blue yonder?


    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    Funny, I keep hearing people talk about the New Moon. And then squealing and sighing. Maybe they're confused?


    Anyway, the new moon is on Monday.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    It was the tone. Absolutely pointless if you had a differing opinion to others here, on the right for this man Gage to express his views. Attacking persons don't seem to solve much.

    Has anyone seriously questioned the right of Gage and co to express their opinion? You're unlikely to find a more liberal view on freedom of expression than mine - heck, I have no problem with Erving coming here and spewing his denial nonsense if some private organisation wants to support him - but it's the appropriateness of Te Papa hosting Gage that was the key objection, it seemed.

    As for attacking a person, it was Gage's arguments and some aspects of his rhetoric that was attacked; I didn't see any purely personal digs.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    Sacha i have put forward a reasonable assertion that PAS bloggers are all pro anti smacking law, ... There are no variants here at PAS in regard to any of those subjects above.

    Your assertion isn't reasonable. Graeme Edgeler is a blogger here, and he couldn’t really be described as in favour of the anti-smacking law. Ben Wilson and Dave Crampton (although the latter doesn’t post here often) and probably some others have also had criticisms of the law changes, and have been supportive of the wider public view as expressed in the referendum.

    Next time you're feeling that full of yourself you might pick on someone a little more, you know, expendable.

    Pick on me. If someone drove me off this website, it would save me a lot of time.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

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