Posts by philipmatthews

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  • Hard News: Body image and the media,

    The current edition of rather awful Beautiful You magazine has an article in it stating that Botox can be a cure for depression.

    Ah, the Listener scooped again.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Up Front: White in Brighton,

    Worst thing about Christchurch? The orgy of fear-and-loathing self-congratulatory smugness that the mere mention of the place provokes. So Keir saw a swastika tatt when visiting a city of 375,000-odd souls and had to have a wee lie down afterwards? The poor dear.

    Thanks for saying this. Saw more skinheads with swastikas when I lived in Aro Valley in the 80s than here. Overheard more casual racism when I lived on the North Shore. No one's ever asked me what school I went to or which of the ships I came out on. The rich here are as likely to be new-money as old -- the Carters, the Stewarts. But in terms of exposing bullshit prejudice about Chch, this story is my favourite. It's Shortland Street actor Will Hall talking to Press TV writer Trevor Agnew:

    When I first started on Shortland Street, they had a scene where Chris Warner goes looking for his son and tracked him down in Christchurch. They weren't going to fly to Christchurch to shoot a scene, so they found a leafy park out in West Auckland. To make it look like Christchurch, they opened on two skinheads.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    Opinions yes. Race-based crap, no. Did you really need to ask?

    Righto. I think I bow out of PAS at this point.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standing up and calling bullshit,

    Gotta remeber this journalists career has followed the path where he now write resturant reviews, not indepth investigations. Why I've never heard about his novel about a 50yr old man travelling with his 80yr old mother before means he is an obvious victim of a conspiracy.

    All this hounding of Peter Calder is making me feel a bit sick. Can we knock it off? If you read a newspaper on occasion, you would know that Calder is arguably NZ's best regularly published film critic, a very good theatre critic and feature writer and -- behind the scenes -- an excellent sub-editor. Can't he express an opinion that differs from yours without being subjected to personal attacks like the above?

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Hard News: Of swine and cows,

    Press release that may interest some:

    Visiting architect presents evidence that undermines official 9/11 story.
    Architect and internationally acclaimed speaker Richard Gage will present
    startling new evidence about the September 11, 2001 collapses of the World
    Trade Centre when he speaks in Wellington next month.
    A practicing architect with more than 20 years experience, Richard Gage,
    AIA (American Institute of Architects) will present compelling evidence
    that calls into question official reports about how the WTC building
    Three steel-framed high-rise buildings spectacularly collapsed on Sept 11,
    2001 after two jetliners were flown into the twin towers. Official reports
    attribute the building's failures to fire damage.
    However, no other steel-framed building has ever collapsed from fire.
    Using video analysis of all three building's collapses, Gage will explain
    how they could not, and did not, collapse because of fire damage.
    The seminar introduces the research of Dr. Steven Jones, (Physics
    Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University), who, along with other
    scientists, analysed large quantities of nano-thermite, a
    highly-engineered explosive recently developed by the military, found in
    the dust at Ground Zero. These findings have been corroborated and
    published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal, The Open Chemical
    Physics Journal.
    This corroborated evidence is the basis for a call for a new independent
    investigation into the WTC building failures, an investigation not
    encumbered with the lack of sub-poena power and limited terms of reference
    which has hamstrung previous investigations.
    Gage is a member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a World-wide
    group of Architects and Engineers now approaching one thousand Architect
    and Engineering professionals and more than five thousand affiliated
    supporters. AE911truth is demanding a new investigation into the
    destruction of the three buildings based on hard physical evidence,
    witness testimony, video evidence and strict structural analysis using the
    original blueprints. As building professionals they have the necessary
    technical credibility that Congress will respond to in bringing about this
    new investigation.
    Richard Gage's presentation "9/11: Blueprint for Truth - The Architecture
    of Destruction" will be followed by a question and answer session
    facilitated by John Bursill, Aircraft Engineer and founder of 911truth
    Australia. After a short break, there will be a video screening of Dr.
    Steven Jones lecture: "Nanothermite: What is High-tech explosive material
    doing in the dust generated on 9/11/2001?"
    Date and Location: 2pm November 21, Soundings Theatre, Level 2, Te Papa,
    Wellington - Free admission.
    Architect Richard Gage will be interviewed live by Kim Hill on Radio New
    Zealand on the morning of November 21.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Field Theory: When First is Worst,

    That is the beauty of the provincial championship--you can support other, geographically distant teams.

    What's the line: I support Waikato and anyone playing Canterbury?

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    As for Fanta, the ersatz orange drink developed by Coca-Cola's nationalised subsidy

    Fanta's a Nazi drink? I stopped smoking because Marlboro were secretly backed by the KKK (that's true, right?) and now this ...

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    A screening of Night and Fog was briefly part of the programme but they ran out of time.

    And it's only 30 mins long. Good thing they didn't schedule Shoah.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Hard News: Of swine and cows,

    Boston Tce?

    Devon St. University in one direction, skinheads in the other.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

  • Hard News: Of swine and cows,

    Pot was passe.

    Should have been more specific: this was Aro Valley.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2007 • 656 posts Report

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