Posts by recordari
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And then there’s this to think about too. More of The Adults, with Tour announced in July. That will be some tour bus. Maybe two even.
Hard News: The witless on the pitiless, in reply to
which I found delightful.
Squee! Except, could someone reach into my brain and extract the damn bouncy Beyoncé ear-worm. I keep doing involuntary chicken dances.
Hard News: The witless on the pitiless, in reply to
If you like it then you shoulda put a line on it!
Ā – Ō – Ō – Ō – Ō – Ō – Ō
(Found the character set box on mac – easy peasy. I got my Mācron on!)
I have to say that this over on Fundy Post made me LOL.
I may have this wrong, but it seems that the answer to a political question is to put a macron on it.
Did someone say party? No? Never mind, I’ll have one in my kitchen.
ETA: I did not know that Kirsty MacColl (in above video) died in 2000 aged 41. That’s pretty sad actually, and the circumstances extremely tragic, even if I am 11 years late.
I don’t know about god (no really, I don’t), but I think this proves beyond all reasonable doubt that hell exists.
Hard News: Asking for a Contribution, in reply to
I’ve just been nudged into signing up for flattr.
Interesting concept. Could be good, but will require some widespread buy-in to be truly fruitful.
Hard News: Asking for a Contribution, in reply to
Those in favour say aye.
Aye aye, cap’n.
That’s bloody awesome news on the fund raising front too. I’ve always been happy to support editorial integrity through subscriptions, especially if it reduces the dependence on fickle advertising dollars. I recommend you make a habit of it.
Nun too soon.
<It’s been a whole page without puns. It’s what we’re paying for after all ;-) >
Hard News: The witless on the pitiless, in reply to
They do, my Mac allows me to show character palette (right click on the little flag) and select all sorts of weird symbols. Most of which I have no idea how to use properly.
What little flag? And what’s this right click of which you speak?
<sarc> (Well, sort of, my Macbook requires I hold down the control key). -
There’s two conversations going on in this thread, and they both seem to be religiously dogmatic. At the risk of repeating myself;
I’m still not convinced I have to.