Posts by Sacha
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Hard News: "OK Boomer" wins Public…, in reply to
Just ask the nippers, John. #righto
Access: Thank you to those stroppy…, in reply to
Fascinating slice of history. What was her name?
Hard News: Public Address Word of the…, in reply to
part of local govt talk?
Robust. This year's 'going forward' in bureaucratic jargon.
And a +1 for OK Boomer. World famous in New Zillun.
Hard News: We are all Twitter, in reply to
The displays keep getting sharper.
Speaker: Extinction Rebellion is not a…, in reply to
An interesting reminder of how things can look different from the West Island :)
Speaker: Extinction Rebellion is not a…, in reply to
(as well as all the voters to the brown of Labour)
You may need to clarify that you're not talking about race there.
Speaker: Are we seeing the end of MSM,…, in reply to
Maybe the Commerce Commission could look into unbundling NZME.
If they wait another few years there won't be much left.