Posts by DexterX
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I don't think an elected government anywhere has bettered the betrayal of the electorate more than the Lange Douglas Government.
I remember before the election people who could moved money offshore in anticipation of the dollar dropping.
On the day I worked as a returning officer in Mangere - and that was a long day.
Then the obscene obsession with the stock market that followed as people bewildered themselves with the thought NZ would become the Switzerland of the South Pacific, the stock market rallied every time KZ whatever won a boat race.
On of the biggest election jokes was Richard Prebble - he saved us from having a rail network - then we had to buy it back.
1984 the start of the onset of complete BS as a policy position and the deregulation of absolutely everything – a climate that allowed financial market conmen and the dark side to prosper – Arise Lord Key.
Here we are today – Thanks but no thanks - as a significant % our GDP gets sent offshore and we struggle on.
On the basis that you roof is corruagated iron - With placing panels on your roof you have to be mindful of the spacing of the purlins - and it is best to put extra purlins around the area where the panels are to be installed to give support when the installers are walking around your roof and to enable the roof to hold the weight of the panels. The panels need to be sitting up of the roof to be efficient as shown in the youtube clip on the solar energy site.
If the panels follow the line of the roof what happens is that grim builds up behind the panel and as the rain in Auckland has an acidic ph value – this grime is acidic and will eat away the roof sheet – you will have holes that you can’t get to because you have a solar panel in the way.
If the panel is sitting up properly off the roof then the rain should wash away the grime – you should also give the area a soapy wash say every six months.
With the pipes that penetrate the roof sheet they need to be flashed out properly often you see several pipes coming through one rubber boot – this is wrong – the best option si to run all the smaller pipes through a large pipe /ducting arrangement that passes through one rubber boot – of the correct size – and that this should have skirt flashing.
This is what the future is going to look like – the solar panels are the roof.
For existing house the panels will become a lot lighter than the massive boxes that go up now.
Hard News: Labour's Fiscal Plan:…, in reply to
A capital gain tax is dead in the water - it will hurt reneters.
I don't think it really matters what Labour's message or policy positions are - from the Liu donation carry on as reported in the Herald and as trumpeted by Duncan (oath I'm really stupid) Garner a significant number of the mainstream media are bending over to support the Key Govt no matter what.
The underlying issues don't warrant consideration – First Citizen John Key will say his govt have been good stewards of the economy and mainstream media will repeat that message without question.
So how does Labour get the truth out there when the fourth estate is largely incompetent and already swayed in favour of the re-election the John Key Govt?
Being shut out does open things up for independent artists to stream independently on ya know wider independent broadcast networks.
There is a geezer in Auckland who was streaming live open mic nights, a range of other gigs and also streaming local mostly home based music makers 24 hours and most of the talent was outstanding – I followed it for well over a year – may be even two years now - there are alot of people out there making great music.
That is a future if you want to be part of it – going to help him with some funding and sponsorship so he can get it back up again but better.
The major baked bean peddlers where never that much interested in your local delicacies - anyway if you consume too many baked beans you get flatulence.
Hard News: Practically jokers, in reply to
Mr Twofirstnames is a complete dick
Heyit is actually "Richhard Dickhead"
The Young Ones – were illustrative of how the early 20s bachelor pod and associates I mixed with lived in a range of squalid dank inner city Auckland flats. We were all a mix of part of the characters the characters were all parts of us – you look back and ask, “how did we do it; live like that?”
Honest comedy that split your sides and made you laugh so much you cried. Good on them and good on him. Such is life, a bit of laugh in bleak times.
Hard News: The Ides of Epsom, in reply to
The thrill had gone -
In 2011 the Act Party Vote collapsed - The obsession with Epsom in the media is just that - everyone, after all, looks at the man in the clown suit.
Act taking Epsom is moot, they will sit below the 5% list threshold on 0 to 1 of the party vote.
If there is a swing against the govenemrnent and Act have a party vote of no consequence which they seem to be on target for - then the government will change.
Hard News: The Ides of Epsom, in reply to
Did he/she give you back your car?