Posts by Steve Barnes

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  • Legal Beagle: The Northland by-election;…,

    Just a thought but is the 60 odd million dollars that National has released to bribe the people of Northland to be counted as an election expense?
    If so then surely that exceeds the spending limit.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: To defame and deflect,

    If National remains in power for much longer we are headed here...
    Worse than Rwanda: life prospects in Britain’s poorest areas

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: To defame and deflect, in reply to Rob Stowell,

    If I was a good honest hard-working NZer,

    And that is one big IF....

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: To defame and deflect,

    Down by the Old School yard...

    Joe America and Lizzie Britain are plotting this years stunt for the "Homecoming" party.
    "Hey Joe, what about an ugliest date gag, a competition for who brings the ugliest date"
    "Yeah, You could get that liitle creep John, the Kiwi one that thinks camping it up in sports gear looks cool." Chirped Joe.
    "I got him good the other day, got him to give me the goods on Liu and Judiths lunchtime milk scam, told him he could be in our club."
    Lizzie's eyes lit up
    "Hey, you mean the little guy you tricked into fighting Mohammed with that cellphone app?"
    Joe laughed
    "Yeah, he got snotted good, little punk. I got access to everything he does on his phone".
    "Well get this" said Lizzie "We could rig the school election and get him in, shit, we would control all the students"
    "Lizzie you're a genius, bend over, I feel like making love"

    Meanwhile, back in the changing rooms, little Johnny is parading around in an oversize football shirt and no pants,
    "Oh, I don't remember having ever felt this good" he thought "I really don't recall".
    "Hey, give me back shirt you little shitnik" shouted Vladimir, the Russian exchange student.
    "You thinks I not like wear shirt?"
    "Well" replied Johnny "At the end of the day I think any reasonable person can see I am better than those others, the girls"....
    Vlad impales him.

    If you want to run with the big guys, expect to get shafted.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: To defame and deflect,

    – and suggested that only someone who was not "a good, hard-working honest, New Zealander" could think otherwise –

    That is a contradictory statement if ever I heard one. Hard-working, honest? What? like a money trader is hard working and honest, the whole banking industry is based on devious and duplicitous practice, it depends on "insider knowledge" and therefore "insider trading".
    Like I said on David Fishers article. "Key should listen to the likes of David Lange but then he has been living in the vacuum of the banking industry since then."
    He may have been a market leader but now he claims to be a leader of people and warns us of "Reds Under the Bed" (for Reds read Terrorists) yeah, right.

    It may be something to do with his appalling pronunciation but now we seem to have a Minister for Terrorism and the people of New Zealand are fighting "The War on Tourists"
    Perhaps its time to reach in through the window of Parliament and grab the Key and put an end to this dangerous behaviour.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The Northland by-election;…, in reply to sean mahoney,

    At present many candidates ( including Andrew Little ) were rejected at the polls but still in Parliament.

    No, that is not how voting is supposed to work. You vote FOR someone based on how well they will represent you in Parliament, not against someone you don't want.
    Andrew Little was not "rejected", he just didn't achieve a majority. He still received 11,788 Votes which was 31.56% . That is not rejection.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The Northland by-election;…, in reply to Graeme Edgeler,

    he'd be resigning as the electorate MP, and then there'd have to be another by-election.

    Thank you Graeme.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The Northland by-election;…,

    A list MP winning a by-election hasn’t yet happened, and there are some differences of opinion over the exact process. I’m of the view that the resignation would have to happen before the writ for the by-election was officially returned, but I understand that the Chief Electoral Officer disagrees.

    Its this bit that confuses me. "would have to happen before the writ for the by-election was officially returned"
    Which I think means that he could resign, in order to install the next list MP, before the official return but after the polls have closed and by doing so he would not stand the risk of losing his place on the list if he were to lose, as it were?.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The Northland by-election;…,

    So if I understand correctly, you are saying Winston would have to resign his list seat before the by-election?.
    If he has to do this and doesn't gain the seat, could he then re-instate himself to a list position?.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Haphazardly to war,

    I see "Jihadi John" has been "identified".
    Why is it that whenever there is an atrocity that makes people want to go to war it is always someone they have been "keeping their eye on"?
    If they knew about X before 911, if they knew about Y before the London bombings, ...
    Why didn't they act?. Could it be that these were well researched scapegoats to hold up to the people and say "This is the enemy". Give it a face and it becomes more real, even if it is a lie.
    The black Ninja suits with the shoulder holsters and the orange prisoner garb look to me as something Saatchi & Saatchi could have come up with, sooo symbolic of the torture inflicted in Guantanamo Bay it could make you believe that Islam was behind that too.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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